This form's input is no longer monitored as of September 1, 2023.
You can use this form to nominate someone (e.g., yourself) for the 2024 PC. If you nominate yourself, please note that we expect PC members to participate actively. So make sure that you will have time available. A
tentative timeline for the review process is as follows:
Submission 02-Nov-2023
R1 Review Deadline 13-Dec-2023
Early reject 20-Dec-2023
R2 Review Deadline 25-Jan-2024
Rebuttal Period Start 29-Jan-2024
PC meeting Day 1 19-Feb-2024 (online)
PC meeting Day 2 20-Feb-2024 (online)
Notification 22-Feb-2024
Submission (revisions) 21-Mar-2024
Decision (revisions) 28-Mar-2024
The deadline for nominations will be August 31.