MultiLing 2015  - Participation details
This form is meant to communicate the community interest and focus to the organizers of the workshop (us). We ask that you fill in the languages on which you plan to apply your systems plus a little more information.

This is definitely NOT meant to be a promise or restrictive declaration in any way. It is solely meant for organization purposes.
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Participant organization *
Your host institution name (Academic / Company / Other). E.g., NCSR Demokritos or NIST
Contact person (name)
Your information will solely be used for the purpose of workshop related communication. This field is optional, but omitting it will not allow us to contact you directly, if needed.
Contact information (e-mail)
Your information will solely be used for the purpose of workshop related communication. This field is optional, but omitting it will not allow us to contact you directly, if needed.
Country *
Provide the country where your institution/company resides in: e.g., UK, USA, France
To which tasks do you plan to participate? *
Select one or more options.
On which languages do you plan to apply your system (multi-document task)? *
Please check all the languages that your system can be applied on. (Should be at least two)
Do you use language specific resources? *
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