Lyra's Translation Bounty
##Rules for Translation##
Translators must be a native speaker of the aforementioned languages.
Translators must have work experience as a translator in other Bounty programs.
Do not start the translation before getting approval from the BM. Approval is needed!
Translations using translator programs will be disqualified. Participants caught in this act will be disqualified
All participants accept that the project's team can use all of these translations as marketing materials.

##Proof Reader Rule##
Fill the registration form
The proofreader will rate the translation results as well as the translation, and give a weak, moderate, strong grade.

##Moderator Rule##
Minimum ranking required Full Member
An announcement translator is required to create a local language telegram group and moderate it. the reward for moderators based on the number of replies and views.

How to join:
1. Join Lyra official Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form

By participating in the ANN translation and moderation bounty, you are required to manage the ANN board and the local Lyra telegram Group for a long time
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
your native language
Your Bitcointalk Username
Your teleram Username
Your Proof Authentication link
Your Rank
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Your Previous Work Link
Lyra Wallet (testnet)
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