Volunteer Registration - 2019 YESC
Hello CIE friends and members!  Please fill out this form if you or your family member(s) are interested in helping out at the following event. Please register only one volunteering person per form. Volunteering is on a first come, first serve basis.

You should receive email confirmation prior to the event about your volunteer task(s).
** You will be notified if you are qualified and selected.**
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Full Name *
Email *
Organization/School *
Age *
Have you volunteered at DFW YESC in previous years? *
Are you currently a CIE member?
Have you volunteered in other CIE event(s) before? If Yes, please provide the event name (year) and a brief description of your responsibility. If multiple, please limit to the two more recent events.
2019 DFW Youth English Speech Contest: 8:00AM - 12:00PM on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at Karl Hoblitzelle Hall (HH), Room 2.402, UTD 800 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080
You are required to show up in time and volunteer in the above event by filling out this form.
Will you be able to attend rehearsal on June 28 5:00PM -7:00PM? *
We need volunteers to help us for our workshop onJune 15 Saturday 1:00PM - 4:00PM at UT Dallas, will you be able to come? Note: 3 additional volunteer hours will be added to your volunteer certificate if you choose to come at one workshop. *
We have multiple roles opening
What roles you are interested in? *
I understand that I may be assigned to one or more tasks during the rehearsal or the contest day *
Past YESC Highlights
Award Ceremony
Thank you for your time!
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