Join my mentee waiting list!
I act as a mentor and advisor to many individuals and companies within the industry and it's a huge passion of mine.
Whether you'd like to start your own bookkeeping or accountancy practice, you'd love someone to review your CV and do some interview coaching or you'd like some guidance on which exams to sit next, I'd love to work with you!
I use a waiting list to ensure I'm able to work with everyone on a first come, first serve basis and would absolutely love for you to join the list so I can get in touch as soon as a slot opens up!

When a slot opens up, I'll be in touch to schedule a 15 minute telephone call so we can chat, see if we are a good fit and put together a plan of action of how we can work together!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your email address so I can get in touch! *
Please tell me a little bit about yourself! (some ideas: current job, current qualifications, future plans, goals, hobbies!) *
Which mentoring structure would you like? *
What are your goals and outcomes for our work together? *
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