Author Event | The Warehouse
Tuesday, July 23, 6:00 p.m.
Parkway Central, 4th Floor Skyline Room

Mass incarceration is a lived, sensory experience. The most eye-popping statistics alone cannot relate the enormity of its psychological and societal impacts. This concise, illustrated primer is a collaboration between one of mass incarceration’s sharpest opponents, James Kilgore, and information artist Vic Liu. Kilgore and Liu will be in discussion with John Pace, Senior Reentry Coordinator for Philadelphia's Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project

“James Kilgore, one of my favorite commentators on mass incarceration, has joined with information artist Vic Liu to create a wonderfully attractive and accessible primer on the US carceral state. Grounded in empathy, this volume highlights the inspiring resistance that has emerged against this system of oppression and control.”
—Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow

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