GCSA Financial Management Certification
Course Registration - Fall 2022
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Email *
Name *
Work Email Address *
Job Title *
Who is your charter authorizer? *
Candidate Status *
How many years experience do you have in the following subject areas?
No experience
Some experience (1-4 years)
Extensive experience (5+ years)
Charter School Finance & Accounting
Governmental Accounting 101
Charter School Budgeting
Quality Basic Education (QBE) Formula
Charter School Policy Development
Procurement Policies & Practices
Payroll & Compensation Practices
Establishing Effective Internal Controls & Financial Oversight
Audit Preparation
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Which course(s) are you registering for?  Note all courses will be offered online via a Zoom platform. *
Payment Information: Each individual course costs $300 per person and you or your school will be billed upon registration. Attendees who register for all six courses and pay up-front will receive a 10% discount ($1620 total for all six courses). Scholarships are available for SCSC schools - please email lgabbianelli@gacharters.org to confirm scholarship availability.
How will you pay for the training? *
Billing Contact Person (if billing your school)
Billing Email Address (if billing your school)
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