WorldMiTR - Experience India Coloring Contest
About WorldMiTR: WorldMitr is not just a platform, but a commitment to global learning and unity. Since July 2022, we've journeyed over 170,000 KMs, connecting with over 80,000 individuals. Along the way, we've gathered over 10,000 stories,Our goal is to champion India – its traditions, tourism, technology, teachings, and trade on the global stage. From organizing coloring contests in schools to showcasing India's rich cultural festivals, we've been at the forefront of promoting national pride.

About Contest: WorldMiTR's "Experience India Coloring Contest" is an exciting effort to showcase India's beauty and traditions. With the theme of nation-building through self-development, we partner with schools to help students connect with and take pride in India's rich culture and heritage.

Q1. Is there any registration fee for the school to participate? A1. No, registration is completely free for schools.

Q2. Is there an age limit or specific grades that can participate?
A2. The contest is open to all students, but specific age categories might be announced.
Q3. Are the drawings culturally inclusive, representing all of India?
A3. Yes, our drawings represent the diverse culture, traditions, and beauty of India.
Q4. Will the WorldMiTR team be personally visiting our school for the distribution of certificates?
A4. Yes, our WorldMiTR team is committed to visiting participating schools to hand over the participation certificates and any associated prizes to the students.

Q5.How do I schedule my promotional slot on the WorldMiTR Show?
A5.Once you've chosen your preferred timezone, our team will connect with you to share available schedules and finalize a slot that works best for you.

Following are the takeaways :
  1. Character Building: We focus on nurturing character over material rewards.
  2. Global Recognition: Students' artworks could be showcased on WorldMiTR's international platform.
  3. Certificates for All: Every participant receives a WorldMiTR certificate.
  4. Exclusive Prizes: Chance to win WorldMiTR vouchers or merchandise.
  5. Engagement with Culture: A hands-on way for students to connect with India's culture.

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