Welcome to the Monsterfucker Survey (version 2.0)! Please be sure to read this blurb and the disclosure statement before continuing to the survey.
Introduction:This survey is designed as an improvement on version 1.0, which was used to collect the data used in the Essay,
"Queerness and Teratophillia". The purpose of this survey, like the first version, is to gather information from self confessed Teratophiles, Monster lovers, Monsterfuckers, and Monsters themselves as a way to conduct open-source sexology / sex research. The goal of this survey is not to medicalize or pathologize - we get enough of that from doctors and psychologists. What this survey does seek to do, is allow us, as a community of wonderful weirdos, to learn more about ourselves. It's important to emphasise that all data collected by this survey will be anonymized, because it may be used in presentations, written work, and other material made public in the same way as the original essay.
How the survey works:
You must be 18 or older to take this survey and it is broken into 5 sections that you'll complete in order. These are:
- Demographics - Info about you like Age, Nationality, Sexuality, etc.
- Monster fantasies - How you relate to your Monsterfucking fantasies
- Monster preferences - Which monsters you like, and what what you like about them
- Monster practices - If and how your fantasies have informed your real world
- Comments, feedback, and further research - Tell me what you thought of the survey
Some sections require simple multiple choice or 'tick all that apply' answers, and others require longer written answers so be sure to go in to the survey with some spare time.
Before you get started though, you'll need to read and agree to the disclosure statement below which explains how and where any data you provide might be used