CoC Build NOFO Interest Form

On July 19, 2024, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the Continuum of Care Builds (CoC Builds) NOFO. The application deadline for CoCs to apply is November 21, 2024. You may find a summary of the NOFO here.

The CoC Builds NOFO encourages Continuums of Care (CoCs) to leverage funds provided for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Funding Available for the Vallejo/Solano CoC: $5,000,000 for a single project.

Available funds from this NOFO may assist in the development of new PSH units for eligible individuals and families experiencing homelessness outlined in 24 CFR 578.37(a)(1)(i) where at least one individual in the household has a disability (no chronic homelessness requirement, though the community can choose to prioritize this population during the Coordinated Entry process).

Note that the application must include a capital costs budget for new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation. The application may also request up to 20% of the total funds for use in project-based rental assistance, operating costs, or supportive services and up to 10% of the total budget (capital costs plus additional eligible costs) for project administrative costs. Non-capital costs funds awarded under this NOFO may be eligible for renewal in the CoC Program Competition.  

CoC Builds applicants should consider the following highlights: 
  • To be competitive, applicants must have significant experience with housing development, leveraging resources, and managing homeless projects -- 24 of 100 points in HUD's review criteria relate to Development Experience and Leveraging and 12 points relate to Experience Managing Homeless Projects. See pp 35-37 of the NOFO for more details.
  • Applicants must match all grant funds with no less than 25% of funds or in-kind contributions from other sources. 
  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 directs HUD to provide incentives to create projects that coordinate with housing providers, healthcare organizations, and social service providers to provide permanent supportive housing.  Please see p 6 of the NOFO summary for more details. 
  • Where possible, consider existing vacant structures that were initially designed for use other than housing (e.g., used as office space) if requesting funds for rehabilitation or acquisition where the structure can be cost-effectively restructured to create new PSH units for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. 
While only one project application per CoC may be submitted, where feasible, HUD encourages inclusion of one or more subrecipients that will contribute towards the goals of this NOFO (e.g., capital costs, housing, supportive services).

Please review the materials provided in the links above and then respond to this form by Wednesday, September 4 if your organization is interested in applying for a project through this funding opportunity and believe you can meet the terms of the NOFO. Interested applicants will be invited to a funding meeting to discuss project feasibility and next steps.
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