Online discussion: The world produces enough food to feed everyone   how can we ensure no one goes hungry?  // 8.11. at 14.00-15.15

Everyone has a basic human right to sufficient, safe and nutritious food every day. Enough food is produced today to feed everyone on the planet, but hunger is on the rise in some parts of the world, and millions of people are considered to be “chronically undernourished”. Additionally, the coronavirus pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the worsening climate crisis all have a severe impact on food security.

Why do nearly 700 million people not have enough to eat, despite there being more than enough food for everyone in the world? Is it even possible to eat ethically and ecologically –  and what can students do? Can mandatory human rights due diligence safeguard workers rights? 

These questions will be addressed in a panel discussion with Fairtrade Finland experts to be held on Tuesday, 8 November from 2 to 3.15 pm.

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