feedback form 


Thank you very much for your participation in the test play today. We are constantly striving to improve the quality of the game and make it enjoyable for more players. For this reason, we highly value your thoughts. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share your impressions and thoughts with us.

(Note: We treat all feedback as important and ensure that it is carefully considered. However, please understand that not all feedback may be reflected in the game updates, depending on the judgement of the development team.)

This form is designed to improve aspects such as the game system and UI of "HackGuard:InfiniteStrategies".

We sincerely look forward to your valuable opinions contributing to our improvements.

本日は、テストプレイへのご参加誠にありがとうございました。 私たちはゲームの品質向上を図り、多くの皆様に楽しんでいただけるよう、日々努力しております。そのために、皆様からのご感想を大変重視しております。ご意見、ご感想などを何卒お寄せいただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。




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What is your overall impression after playing HackGuard?

Not much fun / あまり楽しくなかった
Very much fun / 非常に楽しかった

Which part of the game did you find most interesting?



Please let us know if there were any points of concern regarding the game system. Please

(note: Responses to this question may potentially be posted on platforms such as note, BGG, or Kickstarter.)


Which aspects of HackGuard do you think should be enhanced to make it more enjoyable? (This is not mandatory)

(note: Responses to this question may potentially be posted on platforms such as note, BGG, or Kickstarter.)



If you have any other questions or requests, please fill them in here.

Also, if you could share any words of encouragement or the reason why you decided to participate in the test play, it would greatly motivate the developer (Kaku Maru)!


また、応援メッセージ やテストプレイを行ったきっかけなど教えていただけると製作者(カク・マル)の励みになります!

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