Our Luminous Heart: Application
Our heartfelt thanks for your interest in this 9 month journey. You attention offered to this form is much appreciated as it will support us to better serve you and this blossoming cohort.  
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Email *
First Name  *
Last Name  *
Phone Number (best) *
Email address *
How did you hear about this course?
Please describe what resonates with you about this course?
What if any concerns do you have about your ability to fully commit and participate? 
Do you have a regular centering, meditation, silence, chanting, community, dancing, or nature practice? How does it support you in your daily life? 
Where do you turn to for support in your life? (e.g. therapy, acupuncture, time with friends, nature, traditional/indigenous healing practices, creativity, etc.)
If you have reactivity arise during this program, are you committed to use your tools to meet it, talk to Jessica or Brent, or call on external practitioner support for help if needed?
Are you aware of any existing or potential commitments or circumstances that might impact your full participation in this 9-month program? Please see class dates and times below.  If yes, please explain briefly. (Consider factors such as: family, relationships, health, job, travel, finances, future study, etc.)

Class Dates and Times: 
Saturdays: 12-6 PM (in person) 

October 19               January 11               April 12                

November 16           February 8               May 10

December 14           March 8                    June 7

4th Mondays: 7-9 PM (virtual)

October 28               January 27               April 28                

November 25           February 24             May 26

December 23           March 24  
Financial Investment

We offer a sliding scale tuition.                  

Payment Options:                            Paid in full: $2300-3100 (by October 5)

                                                             Monthly plan: $288-388 for 8 months (October to May)

                                                             Tuition is due by the 5th of each month


Deposit:                                             Upon acceptance into the course, a non-refundable enrollment deposit of 

                                                            $350 reserves your place in the program and is a portion of tuition costs. *

Family Special:                               If two people from the same household attend, 

                                                             the sliding scale for the 2nd person is $144-$388.

Financial Assistance:                     Need an alternative payment plan, contact us with a proposal.  If called to 

                                                            attend and require a different exchange to do so please contact us with a 

                                                            proposal. One partial work exchange is available for each cohort.

Cancellation Policy:                     Once the program has begun, you are committed to pay the 

                                                          full tuition.**

*We have already begun working with the energetics of the forming group and that will continue to deepen and refine as enrollment begins. 

**There are limited spaces in this program, and once it begins, no participants are allowed to join. The intimate nature of this allows us to develop deep trust and a safe container together. The program demands a high level of commitment, opening the door for the full potential of our becoming together.

It is important for participants to be fully committed to the entire program and plan ahead to make space and time for it during the nine-month period. That said, Jessica and Brent recognize that abrupt, significant life changes can occur, and we will work with any participant in such a situation to make the best decision under the new circumstances.​

This course is designed to stretch and expand your experiential reality.  
If you are currently utilizing any mood or mind-altering medications or substances, and plan to use them during our time together, please list them below. Include the frequency of use and the intended support they provide. 
Do you have any questions for us?
Is there anything else you would like to share?

We are committed to being of the greatest service to this group and everyone involved. To do so, we will review your application form and contact you if we have further questions. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis.

Once your application is accepted, you will receive an email inviting you to enroll in the program. To reserve your place, you will need to complete and sign an Enrollment Agreement and make a $350 non-refundable tuition deposit.

We are so grateful for you interest and will be in touch soon! 

In heart,

Jessica & Brent 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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