UK TRE Community: member's survey
This is a hopefully quick form so we can better know who our members (you) are and what they (you) want so we can:
  1. Tailor content and activities
  2. Advance towards shared goals
  3. Properly promote the community and its successes*
*This will help in communications but also current and future funding opportunities, we will never disclose individuals members details but an aggregate of roles and institutions taking part on the community is highly valuable and will be made public. If you are not confortable with this please feel free not to answer
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What does this community mean to you? What value has it brought to you?
We would love to know how the community provides value to you, both to do it better but also and importantly to showcase its value and ensure we continue to get support for it. Please leave us some nice quotes.
How are you involved with TREs?
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Which is your home institution or organization?
What is your role within your organisation? *
Any further details on your department, team or group within your institution? Or the role you play in it?
What do you expect of the UK TRE Community?
How do you wish to contribute to the Community? Is there anything stopping you? If so, how could we help?
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