Philippine TensorFlow Project Showcase  Submission Form
TensorFlow Project Showcase ( aims to encourage everyone to explore the possibilities of Machine Learning using TensorFlow, an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning. This initiative aims to showcase Filipino talents in building applications that use the capabilities of Machine Learning.

The deadline for submitting this form is March 19, 2021.
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Email *
Team Information
Provide the complete information about your team.
Team Name *
Team Lead Name *
Last Name, First name
Team Lead Email Address *
Please provide a VALID email address. Inquiries about the app (especially from competition judges) and updates will be sent here
Team Member 2
Last Name, First name of Team Member 2 (if you have a second member)
Team Member 3
Last Name, First name of Team Member 3 (if you have a third member)
Entry Description
Describe the app that you're submitting for the contest.
App Name *
Name of the application
App Description / Instruction *
Describe what the app does in detail and what problems it solves. How to use your application.
App Link *
You would need to publish your app on a website or an mobile app store
GitHub / Gitlab Link *
You need to place your app on an open-source repository.
Short video demo *
You need to place your video link here.
By clicking yes, you certify that this submission is original and hasn't been submitted to other contests. *
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