Businesses: can you help us?
Thank you for considering joining our vision to help those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire make new memories on holiday in Cornwall. Over 200 companies, have now contributed to the holidays with pledges of transport, entertainment, entry to attractions, meals in restaurants and other logistical support. Many have said how rewarding they have found it and how enjoyable it is to meet the recipients of their gifts or services first hand.

So far we have supported 516 of those affected with a week-long respite break. These include firefighters who served at the fire, tower survivors and close neighbours. We are enormously grateful for your support. Your gifts play a key part in helping them enjoy their time in Cornwall and experience all the county has to offer.

To register your offer, please complete the short form below so we can log you onto our system and come back to you to organise logistics. Please state clearly whether you are happy to be mentioned in our media relations.

We hope you won't be offended if we don't come back to you for some time. We are a very 'lean' voluntary organisation and our admin capacity is limited. We hope you understand and look forward to working with you.

Thank you!
Esmé Page

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