Capturing Your Stories: Survey on Family Biography as Gifts
Understanding Preferences for Family Biographies

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey! 

I am conducting this survey to gather valuable insights on family biographies, and your input is vital in shaping the product and service. Please read each question carefully and provide your honest opinions.

Your responses will remain confidential. We appreciate your honesty.

Kind regards

Rika Chandra

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How often do you give or receive personalised gifts for special occasions within your family?
How difficult has it been to find a unique gift?
Have you every wanted to record your or your family's history?
How likely are you to consider a family biography as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or other family celebrations?
For which family occasions do you think a personalised biography would be most fitting?
Would you prefer a surprise gift or a collaborative effort in creating the family biography?
What type of content or stories would you prefer to see included in a family biography?
How open are you to including photographs, letters, or other memorabilia in the family biography?
How important is it for a family biography to appeal to multiple generations within the family?
How affordable do you perceive personalised biography gifts compared to other gift options?
Would you be willing to pay more for a personalised biography gift compared to other types of personalised gifts (e.g., custom mugs, photo albums)?
What price range do you consider reasonable for a personalised family biography as a gift?
Are there specific features or options that would make the family biography more special for you?
Please confirm if you wish to learn more and would like to be added to the mailing list. *
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