SpongeBob Volunteer form
Volunteers are an important group to the PEF/EVSC Summer Musical program. It is impossible to accomplish everything related to a production of this size and quality without volunteer involvement.

Please look over the areas below needing assistance and indicate those areas you are interested in helping. Because the needs occur at different points of the summer, please sign up for more than one area. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to meet the students and their families.
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First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Cell Phone *
Email *
Ethnicity *
Gender *
Volunteering as: *
Food Committee *
This committee is responsible for securing and serving the "snack"/dinner for the cast, crew & orchestra for the time that we are in the Old National Events Plaza
Costume committee *
This committee will assist with any alterations and distrbution of costumes.
Make-up Committee *
This committee will assist with makeup for the students during the dress rehearsals and performances.
Props Committee *
This committee will assist in looking for props that are needed for the production.
Publicity *
This committee will assist with distribution of posters and other materials.
Set Construction *
This committee will assist with building the set.
Scenic Painting *
This committee will assist with painting the set and other speciality pieces.
Backstage DADS (Moms, Dads, Cousins, all are welcome) *
DADS means Dedicated Adults Devoted to Students - This group of parents will work backstage during the performances. This will begin Sunday, July 11th. Please indicate which performance(s) you would like to work backstage. Please plan to attend one or more rehearsal(s).
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