CTIPP is seeking feedback from the trauma-informed movement
We want to hear from you! 

Please take a moment and share your thoughts on how you communicate about your trauma-informed work amidst uncertainty at all levels of society, differing political/cultural ideologies amongst your targeted audiences, and everchanging advocacy/policymaking/philanthropic landscape.

We're not gathering emails, and your answers will remain anonymous -- and will simply help inform CTIPP's strategies to further build the trauma-informed movement.

Please send any questions to our Director of Communications, Laura Braden (laura@ctipp.org).
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In this time of uncertainty, what are the ways you see/hear/frame the work to keep trauma-informed policies and practices moving forward in the public arena? *
How might you answer this question differently when thinking about different audiences? (e.g., conservative/liberal, younger/older, etc.) *
Additional comments, ideas, or feedback? (Optional)
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