Husky Cookbook Submission
Building Community Through Food and Storytelling
Created by students for the Husky community, the Husky Cookbook is a collection of recipes and food stories gathered from UW students, staff and faculty. The project aims to unite members across the broader UW community through food and their stories told through food.

Through print and online, this Husky Cookbook aims to showcase the diverse members of our UW community, foster a sense of community by encouraging dialogue on how our identities are shaped by food traditions and culture, and promote cooking and sharing of meals.

Detailed instructions on how to complete your submission are listed in this form after you enter your basic information. If you have any questions about the project and/or application, please email: or message us on Facebook.

Stay connected with us!

YOU MUST BE AFFILIATED WITH UW (Staff, faculty, current student (grad/undergrad), alumni) TO SUBMIT TO THE HUSKY COOKBOOK.
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Submission to the Husky Cookbook includes 2 components:  Food Story and Recipe
Applications open:  October 1st, 2019
Applications close:  November 1st, 2019, 5pm

All participants who submit a recipe and food story will be entered into a drawing for one of several Amazon gift cards!
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