Article Questions: Answers to 4 Crucial Questions About North Korea - New York Times
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#1 Where did Pyongyang warn that they would strike to create "an enveloping fire"?
#2 Does North Korea have nuclear weapons?
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#3 What problem does North Korea have if it wanted to shoot a nuclear missile at the United States?
#4 What is the bomb that North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un posed with equivalent to?
#5 Does North Korea have a rocket that experts think is capable of reaching the mainland United States?
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#6 What are some of the places that officials say  that the medium-range missiles that North Korea already possesses are capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to?
#7 Where would intercontinental missiles aimed at the United States have to fly in an arc up into before returning to Earth to hit their targets?
#8 What does North Korea still needs to work on its warhead in order for them to survive re-entry as they plunges from space?
#9 How many nuclear tests has North Korea conducted?
#10 What did the United Nations Security Council do because North Korea defied a ban on testing missiles and nuclear bombs?
#11 How many sets of sanctions have been imposed on North Korea in the last 11 years?
#12 What was this set of sanctions intended to do to North Korea?
#13 What characteristic does many of the ways that North Korea has found to finance its weapons program have in common?
#14 Are there more or fewer cars in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, than ever before?
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#15 What did Mr. Trump say days before his inauguration that he would prevent North Korea from doing?
#16 How did Donald Trump describe Mr. Kim in a television interview in April?
#17 What did Pyongyang threaten to do to Seoul (the capital of South Korea)?
#18 What did Secretary of State Rex Tillerson say on Wednesday about this particular rhetoric?
#19 Guam is roughly the size of which U.S. city?
#20 How many people live on Guam?
#21 What percentage of the island does the United States military take up?
#22 Can the United States shoot down the type of ballistic missiles that North Korea has been testing?
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#23 According to one analysis how many civilians would be killed in an initial bombardment of North Korea?
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