The New Intern Form 2024-2025  Casamona International
At Casamona we are always looking for hardworking and motivated interns thriving with the fact that every day is different. We are an international company in which the majority of our employees are interns from all over the world, making the Casamona team young and fun to work with. 
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Which Internship are applying for?  *
Full name and Nationality  *
Date of birth *
Which university are you from ?    *
E-mail *
Phone number (with country code) *
Start and finish dates of internship
Is this internship a mandatory part of your studies? *
What kind of financial support will you receive?
Are you fluent in Spanish?  *
Are you fluent in English?  *
Choose the  3 characteristics that describe you the best?  *
Please reflect on the answer above *
Describe which 4 characteristics you are the most  *
Describe which 4 characteristics you are the least 
Describe your dream internship? 
Could you be interested in working remotely? *
FYI: The  law in Spain for internship might mean you need a NIE number to be here and you also might need to get in the social security - which means you will no longer need a private health insurance. This new law fra march might make cost for the internship higher- To get a NIE is around 200-300 euros and the new insurance around 60 euros pr month.    *
Are you diagnosed with a learning disability or any other medical condition? If yes, please specify.  *
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