We are working to advance equity in our park systems, by prioritizing improvements for low-income communities, people with disabilities, and communities of color. Please share any demographic that might apply to you. (Check all that apply)
Which community parks do you visit and how often? *
Babe Ruth/Bicentennial Park
Girard Park
Vine Street Park
A few times a year
1 - 2 times a week
3 or more times each week
Every day
Babe Ruth/Bicentennial Park
Girard Park
Vine Street Park
A few times a year
1 - 2 times a week
3 or more times each week
Every day
Why do you visit these parks?
Your answer
If you don't visit any of the parks mentioned above, why not?
Your answer
Are there any parks not mentioned above that you visit? Which ones?
Your answer
Do you participate in events or activities at any community parks?
Clear selection
Please explain your answer.
Your answer
On a scale of 1 - 5, please rate your level of satisfaction with the following... *
The parks in your neighborhood.
The number of parks in your neighborhood.
The maintenance of the streets and sidewalks around the parks in your neighborhood.
1 - Extremely dissatisfied
2 - Dissatisfied
3 - Neither dissatisfied or satisfied
4 - Satisfied
5 - Extremely Satisfied
The parks in your neighborhood.
The number of parks in your neighborhood.
The maintenance of the streets and sidewalks around the parks in your neighborhood.
1 - Extremely dissatisfied
2 - Dissatisfied
3 - Neither dissatisfied or satisfied
4 - Satisfied
5 - Extremely Satisfied
On a scale of 1 - 5, how strongly do you disagree or agree with the following? *
My neighborhood has a safe environment.
My neighborhood is clean.
I have adequate access to the parks in my neighborhood.
The future of my neighborhood is promising.
1 - Strongly disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neither disagree or agree
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly agree
My neighborhood has a safe environment.
My neighborhood is clean.
I have adequate access to the parks in my neighborhood.
The future of my neighborhood is promising.
1 - Strongly disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Neither disagree or agree
4 - Agree
5 - Strongly agree
What changes would greatly improve the community parks?
Your answer
What changes would greatly improve the overall community?
Your answer
Are you proud to live in your neighborhood/community?
Clear selection
Please explain your answer.
Your answer
Would you like to be involved in efforts to improve community parks?
Clear selection
May we follow up with you with any additional questions or with future engagement opportunities? If so, please include your name and phone number in the following box. *
Please provide your name, phone number, and /or email address if you would like us to follow up. Thank you!