A Call to Archive Against Genocide: Archivists and Memory Workers in Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian Colleagues - Signatures

June 5, 2024

Issued by members of the “A Documentary Nakba: A Reading Group for Archival Liberation In & Beyond Palestine” at the first event of the Archives & Heritage for Palestine seminar series.

But when I read
the last words of Heba Abu Nada before she died,
I was moved to spread this news,
before her banner could be censored
by those who defend selective liberty:

“If we die, know that we are content and steadfast,
and convey on our behalf that we are people of truth!”

- excerpt from, Urgent: News of the Death of Hiba Abu Nada, by João Melo
(trans. from the Portuguese by G. Holleran) 

We are witnessing daily a genocide across Gaza live streamed to our screens now for over 200 days. 

We are witnessing the mass starvation and displacement of an entire population within a besieged territory, the vast majority of whom are refugees from elsewhere in Palestine after a century of colonisation and ethnic cleansing. 

We are witnessing the systematic destruction of schools, universities, hospitals, churches, mosques, homes, and civilian infrastructure

We are witnessing the cultural and information dimensions of this horror –– the wholesale looting, burning, bombing, and destruction of archives, libraries, museums, archaeological sites, records, historical documents, manuscripts, lived environments, and other material and immaterial traces of Palestinian culture and history on the land. This archival erasure is not an exceptional moment in Palestinian history. The recent bombings of the Central Archives of Gaza City, the Rafah Museum, the Omari Mosque and Library, the Edward Said Library, the Al-Aqsa University Library, the Islamic University of Gaza Library, and countless other memory institutions in Gaza take their place in history alongside the Khalil al-Sakakini Collection that was looted in 1948 for the Hebrew University; the American Colony studio archive in Jerusalem that was looted in 1949; the Palestinian Archaeological Museum that Israel appropriated and renamed in 1967; the Palestinian Research Centre in Beirut which Israel looted and destroyed in 1982; the Arab Studies Society Archive which the Israeli government confiscated in 2001; and the Khalil al-Sakakini Cultural Centre that was vandalised in 2002. 

Archival erasure and epistemic violence are a colonial tool to reinforce a false perception of Israeli historical legitimacy. The destruction and looting of archives and records repositories, alongside information censorship, historical misrepresentation, and heritage destruction, aim to erase the Palestinian people both figuratively and literally from their ancestral and unceded land so it can be claimed by settlers. Alongside the crimes commissioned by the Israeli state and its allies, supported by white nationalist and settler colonial states and institutions like Canada, Australia and the United States, we are witnessing the crimes of omission –– the silence of the majority of archival and records associations, scholars, departments, and institutions across the Global North, a term used here to refer to states, elites, corporations, and other powerful actors anywhere in the world characterised by or benefiting from exploitation, oppression, and (neo)colonial relations. 

As professionals, scholars, and students of archival studies, as well as aligned memory and information professions and disciplines, we issue this letter first and foremost to express our solidarity and support for our colleagues in Gaza and across Palestine and the Shatat (Diaspora/Exile); and for their families, friends, and communities, whose suffering, courage, resilience, and commitment has astonished and galvanised the world. Palestinian colleagues we have lost to Israeli violence include Abdul Karim Hashah; Bilal Jadallah; Doaa Al-Masri; Dr. Jihad Suleiman Al-Masri; Iman Abu Saeed; and Marwan Tarazi. In recounting their names, we commit to remembering them, sharing their stories, and continuing their work to preserve Palestinian archival memory, knowledge, history, and culture.  

We issue this letter to call out the silent complicity of archival professional and academic institutions and spaces, and the hypocrisy and racism that underpin this silence. We call on educators, researchers, scholars, institutions, and power brokers in the archival and aligned memory and information fields to end the prevalent disregard and erasure of Palestine and Palestinians in our spaces. For too long, the archival, information, and memory fields have institutionalised and normalised a tacit policy of ignoring and enabling Israeli colonisation, land theft, ethnic cleansing, and displacement. We reject with sadness and anger the hypocrisy of those academic, professional and governmental institutions and personalities who claim to be working for equity, inclusion, decolonization, antiracism, and social justice while remaining silent or enabling the Gaza genocide and the colonization of Palestinian history, culture, knowledge, and land. 

As such, we call on our professional and academic archival, information and memory work colleagues, departments, institutions, and associations to join the global movement for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the genocide on Gaza, and the liberation of Palestinian people everywhere. We insist that we must teach and learn about Palestine in our professional and academic training programs, educational institutions, curricula, and courses. We recognize the urgent need for research and publications in our fields that centre Palestinian experiences, perspectives, and voices. 

There is also an urgent need to correct our predominantly reductive and racist cataloguing, archiving, and metadata standards, frameworks, and tools pertaining to Palestinian geographies, people, communities, culture, history and materials. We must articulate new approaches that are informed by the work of Palestinian memory workers over the last century and beyond in key archival functions from acquisition and access to archival arrangement and description. We must make a concerted effort to gather and platform materials from Palestinian people, organisations, and communities in Palestine and the Shatat (Diaspora/Exile). And finally, our calls for increased access fall short if we are not also supporting the return of stolen and displaced archives and records to Palestinian memory workers, institutions, and communities so that the Palestinian people can exercise self-determination over their own material worlds and story.   

It is our responsibility to boycott and divest from all academic, cultural and other Israeli institutions and organisations complicit through acts of commission or omission in the genocide, including those who refuse to speak out against Israeli war crimes and apartheid, those that receive funding from or collaborate with the Israeli state, and those who work with or have relationships with the Israeli military. Everyone must conduct a comprehensive audit in their institutions that discloses prominent vendors and assets from anywhere in the world, which financially benefit from or contribute to weapons manufacturing, intelligence collection, surveillance, illegal Israeli settlements, and Israeli human rights violations. Make a commitment to divestment! End your complicity in Israeli genocide, war crimes, and other grave violations of human rights and international law by boycotting and divesting from all those enabling and profiting from these crimes and violations!

It is our responsibility to support colleagues facing censure and institutional discipline for speaking up for Palestinian rights and against Israeli settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation. We must defend the right of everyone around the world to academic freedom, freedom of speech, and the right to assemble and organise against genocide, colonialism and apartheid in Palestine and beyond.  

In this urgent moment, this is a call to all of our colleagues around the world, and all those who oppose colonialism and racism, to mobilize all our knowledge, expertise, skills, resources, and privilege to counter the cultural dimensions of the Gaza genocide with the goal of preserving Palestinian history and memory and, most importantly, of stopping the genocide and settler colonialism perpetuated on the Palestinian people.

At its core, this statement is a call for all of us to practise our profession ethically and archive against genocide

To sign your name to the statement, please fill out the form below.

1. Dr. Jamila J. Ghaddar, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science, Dalhousie University
2. James Lowry, Professor, City University of New York
3. Patrick McGee, CUNY Queens College/Reading Group for Archival Liberation In and Beyond Palestine
4. Dr. Mariam Karim, Global Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute of Advanced Study in the Global South, Northwestern University in Qatar
5. Katie Giritlian, Publisher and Memory Worker,
6. Ezekiel McGee, Diversity Resident Librarian, University of California, Davis
7. Jena Barnes, MLIS Student, San Jose State University
8. Sara Almai, Archivist, StoryCorps, Librarians and Archivists for Palestine
9. Katelyn Landry , New York University
10. Dr. S.E. Hackney, Queens College, CUNY
11. Nisha Toomey, Postdoctoral researcher , York University
12. Doa Sarmad Khan, National College of Arts, Pakistan.
13. Hannah Ishmael, KCL
14. Malin Färdig, Arabic translator, master student in library and information science,
15. Roxy Moon, MI
16. Alia Reza, University of Maryland
17. Rima Ghanem, Archivist
18. AJ Robinson, Librarian, Middle East Librarians Association
19. Karen Paar, Director, Southern Appalachian Archives, Mars Hill University
20. Mary Grace Kosta, Retired archivist, Retired archivist
21. Rebecca Vasquez, Processing Archivist, UCSB
22. AR, Archivist & Librarian, LfAI
23. Erica Hernandez-Read, Head, Northern BC Archives & Special Collections, UNBC
24. Andy Simons, Manager, palestinebooks.net
25. Melissa Briggs, Library Technician , Cosumnes River College Library
26. Jules Eckelkamp, Textile Conservator, Autry Museum
27. Viviane Kaori Watanabe, Viviane Kaori Watanabe,
28. Grant Buttars, Archivist, University of Edinburgh; Vice President (Scotland), University and College Union
29. Ashlynn Prasad, Archivist,
30. Keahi Adolpho, Processing Archivist, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
31. Rosie Rowe, Owner of The AV Collective, The AV Collective
32. Dillon Thomas, Archivist,
33. Jessica Tai, Archivist, UC Berkeley
34. Marie Elia, Archivist for Special Collections, University at Buffalo
35. Tania Ríos Marrero, Project Coordinator, Digital Library of the Caribbean, University of Florida
36. Heather Walker
37. Bismah Hayat, National College of Arts Archives
38. Ciaran Purdome, Digital Archivist, Acadia University
39. Jessica Lapp, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
40. Sonya Sarki, National College of Arts Archives
41. Rabbia Hayat, University of Aberdeen
42. Miranda Mims, Co-Founder/Archivist , Nomadic Archivists Project (NAP)
43. Gabrielle Hale, Outreach Archivist, Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA)
44. Eva Salma Dwiyanti, Palestinian Colleagues - Signatures, student
45. Gianna Brassil, MLIS Student, San Jose State University
46. Colin Post, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina - Greensboro
47. Jennifer Sargent, Archivist, Records Manager, and Privacy Officer,
48. Liliane Alzind, Power to the people!
49. Eva Salma Dwiyanti, Palestinian Colleagues - Signatures, Universitas Sebelas Maret/ student
50. Amir El-Chidiac, Research and Instruction Librarian,
51. Nofia Nur Hidayah, Archiving Against Genocide: A Global Call to Preserve Palestinian History and Memory”, Student of Sebelas Maret University
52. Jazmine Aldrich, Head Archivist, Eastern Townships Resource Centre
53. Amanda Linden, Records and Information Management Coordinator,
54. Akilah Chatman, Community Science Specialist , The Academy of Natural Sciences at Drexel University
55. Lauren Bridges, Information Management Analyst,
56. Krisztina Laszlo , Archivist , University of British Columbia
57. Anna Sofia Neil, Training as a Film and Media Archivist
58. Danielle Allard, Associate professor, University of Alberta
59. Sarah Febbraro,
60. Josh Kint, Library Monitor,
61. Kate Nugent, Archivist,
62. Chelsea Gunn, Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
63. Katherine Jones, Mx., Archivist
64. Bradley Clements, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto Faculty of Information
65. Sonia Pacheco, Social Sciences Librarian , University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
66. Sumayya Ahmed
67. Samantha Emmanuel, Conservator,
68. Jennifer Douglas, Dr. University of British Columbia
69. María Cristina Betancur, Professor Archival Studies, Universidad de Antioquia
70. Andrew Wiebe ,University of Toronto
71. Laura Luca, UCL
72. Magnolia Finn, Pre-program Conservator / Student at Fordham University, Member of Emerging Conservation Professionals Network (AIC)
73. Marina Bokovay
74. Meghan Tibbits-Lamirande, Writer-in-residence, University of Ottawa
75. Kristen Mercier, Digital Archivist, Archives and Special Collections, University of Ottawa Library
76. Rodney Carter, Archivist, RHSJ St. Joseph Region Archives
77. Annelise Dowd, Access Services Librarian, University of Northern British Columbia
78. Raegan Swanson, Executive Director, The ArQuives
79. Devin Mattlin, Library Project Conservator, UCLA Library
80. Valerie Cantin, Library Technical Assistant - Interlibrary Loans, University of Northern British Columbia
81. Isobel Carnegie, University of Toronto
82. Cornelia Posch, E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection @ Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
83. Anna Robinson-Sweet, PhD Candidate, UCLA Department of Information Studies
84. May Chew, Assistant Professor, Concordia University
85. Karen Ng
86. Renee Saucier, Digital Archivist, Tlicho Government
87. Kyle Pugh, Archivist,
88. Jennifer Grant, Archivist, York University
89. MacKenzie Gott
90. Meg Shields, Records Manager, BCGEU
91. Bailey Chui, Archivist, Victoria University
92. Mandi Schwarz, Library Technical Assistant, University of Northern British Columbia
93. Charles Jeurgens, professor of Archival Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
94. Claudia Sicondolfo, Assistant Professor, Arts, Media, Culture, University of Toronto, York University
95. Tracey Krause,
96. Cameron Welsh, Records Analyst,
97. Marina de Oliveira , Heritage worker,
98. Julia Polyck-O’Neill , Postdoctoral Fellow , University of Guelph
99. Greg Bak, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
100. Maria Fonseca,
101. Peyton Moriarty, Museum of Anthropology at UBC
102. Cate Alexander, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
103. Anna Haywood, Archivist,
104. Simon Boily, University of Manitoba
105. Maria E. Osorio Oliveros, recent graduate archivist , McGill
106. David A. Wallace, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Michigan
107. Courtney Dean, Associate Director, Acquisitions and Collections Control, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale
108. Eva Salma Dwiyanti, Palestinian Colleagues - Signatures, Universitas Sebelas Maret / student
109. Alyssa V. Loera, Librarian, Archivist, IT Project Manager , J Paul Getty Trust
110. Nazia Sheikh, Librarian, Toronto Metropolitan University
111. Lauren Washuk, Library Staff,
112. Arika Kaneko,
113. Hannah Mandel, Archivist , Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College
114. Simon Vickers, Archivist,
115. Stefanie Martin, Community Archivist,
116. Dana Murray, University of Toronto
117. Jessica U., Librarian, Anonymous
118. Cesar Reyes, Resource management coordinator , Cal Poly Pomona
119. Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez,
120. Aïda Chebbi, University teacher (archival science), Manouba University (Tunisia)
121. Refika ARABACI, Doctoral Researcher, Brunel University London
122. Claire LARRIEUX, Archivist,
123. Marwa Ben Jmeaa, Record's management , Entreprise privée
124. Leïla Saadaoui, Academic Librarian, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada
125. Claire Moclock, Archives Consultant , Independent
126. Haian Abdirahman, Archivist, Mellon Foundation
127. Sabrina Orr, Registrar,
128. Hamza Gnichi, Archivists, Information science
129. Elliot McNally, Archivist,
130. Jess Perkins,
131. Hadley Kluber Seifert, Archivist,
132. Alexis Scargill, Archivist,
133. Emily Minehart, Archivist, A Corporate Archive
134. Maxwell Holland, Librarian & Archivist,
135. Josh Redd, , PennWest MLIS student
136. Allison LaPlatney, Archivist, The Noguchi Museum
137. Z.M., Archivist, Library and Archives Canada
138. François Dansereau, Course Lecturer, McGill University School of Information Studies
139. Elizabeth-Anne Johnson, Electronic Records Archivist , University of Calgary
140. Roger Gillis, Digital Archivist, Dalhousie University
141. GK Armstrong, Archival educator,
142. Alice Albarda, Associate Archivist, University of Alberta Archives
143. Tyyne Petrowski, Director of Archives, Archdiocese of Winnipeg
144. Lindsay Cline
145. Patrick Allen, Audiovisual Archivist,
146. Terry Baxter, archivist, Multnomah County Archives/Oregon Country Fair Archives
147. Bridget Whittle, Digital Archives Librarian, McMaster University
148. Caroline Chow, MLIS student, SJSU
149. Claire Forsyth, Archivist
150. Sharon Mizota, Inclusive Metadata Consultant,
151. Kristin Simmons, Archives & Records Officer,
152. Noah Duranseaud, Corporate Information Analyst, ICBC
153. Gabrielle Garcia, MLIS Graduate '24, University of Washington
154. Jordan Meyerl, Senior Archives Cataloguer, Historic New England
155. Dylan McDonald, Archivist/Librarian, New Mexico State University
156. Erin Robinson, Graduate Student, San Jose State University
157. Kate Emery, Technical Services Specialist & Archivist, Seattle University Law Library
158. Charly Wreggitt
159. Macon Montgomery Elf, Museum and Archives Consultant, Self-Employed
160. Natalya Rattan, Archivist, University of Toronto
161. Andrew Harman, Head of Special Collections Processing, UC Santa Barbara
162. Daniella Aquino, Archivist,
163. Krystal Payne, PhD student, University of Manitoba
164. Julia Gilmore, Digital Projects Librarian, University of Toronto
165. Dharani Persaud, UBC
166. Kimberly McNally, Archival Studies Student,
167. Liz Phillips, Archivist,
168. Jeremy Brett, Librarian, Archivist and Curator, Texas A&M University
169. Jorie Thuon, Assistant Librarian and Archivist,
170. Charla DelaCuadra, Manuscripts Processor, UC Irvine
171. Tyisha Murphy, PhD Student, Concordia University
172. Emma Thomas, Archivist,
173. Lisa Kahn, Archivist, Center for the Study of Political Graphics
174. roxana slomkowski, artist
175. Abbi Asokan, Digital Archivist,
176. Jack Parker
177. Kat Louro, Library Technician,
178. Marty Grande-Sherbert, MLIS, University of Alberta
179. Sara Pimentel
180. Ariella Elema, Reference and Digital Engagement Archivist, City of Toronto Archives
181. Kat Holtz, Records Analyst,
182. Lauren McDaniel, archival worker,
183. Vino Vipulanantharajah, Archivist,
184. Clara Gimenez Delgado
185. Reiko Pleau, UBC
186. Dr. Pimphot Seelakate, Chulalongkorn University
187. Blair Kuntz, Librarian, University of Toronto
188. Paula Akpan, Historian, Goldsmiths, University of London
189. Jennifer Jarvis, Book Conservator, John Hopkins University
190. Dan Gillean, Artefactual Systems
191. Dr. Alice Austin, University of Edinburgh
192. Joy Zanghi, Project Archivist
193. Rami G Khouri, AUB Distinguished Fellow, AUB
194. Niamh Ní Charra, Archivist,
195. Rachel Searcy, Accessioning Archivist, New York University
196. Candice C.
197. Genevieve Kieffer, Librarian,
198. Cynthia Tobar, Head of Archives/Associate Professor, Bronx Community College
199. Rhiannon Allen-Roberts
200. Hye-jin Juhn, Liaison Librarian for East Asian Studies and Political Science, McGill University
201. Nicholas Michalski, Processing Archivist, University at Buffalo
202. Joshlyn Thomas, MLS, University of North Texas
203. Maryna Chernyavska
204. Amaya M Rodrigo Sastre, SysAdmin in Digital Preservation , Artefactual
205. Emma Cummings, , University of Liverpool
206. Mary Horodyski, Archivist,
207. Leila Marshy, Author,
208. Josh Honn, Humanities and Prison Education Librarian, Northwestern University Libraries
209. Yharnet Browne
210. Emily Bridge, Student, MLIS Candidate, UBC School of Information
211. Ansh Dattani, Student/Research Assistant , Ahmedabad University/Curating for Culture
212. Rose Miyonga, , University of Warwick
213. Allison Snyder, Interim Manager, Brethren Historical Library & Archives
214. Jessica Hollister, Dental Liaison Librarian, University at Buffalo
215. Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara , Associate Professor, Digital Scholarship Librarian , University of Colorado Boulder
216. Dr. Adrienne Seely, Chicago Public Library
217. Dez Nacario, Archivist, V.P. Cronyn Memorial Archives, Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
218. Mona Bashir
219. Emanuela, Fiorletta, Archivio centrale dello Stato
220. Fatima al-Bazzal, Librarian, Lebanese National Library
221. Jashin Lin, Digital Marketing Specialist, National WWI Museum and Memorial
222. Oliver Mills, Librarian
223. Brenda Lopez, PhD Candidate, UCLA
224. Sally Blanchard-O'Brien, Archivist, University of Vermont
225. Shyla Seller, Archives Specialist,
226. Daniel Posso, Media Archivist ,
227. Natasha Wilson, Natasha Wilson, n/a
228. Stephanie Sparrow, Librarian , University of Minnesota
229. Emma Pakstas
230. Farah Yameen
231. Margo Hendricks, Professor, University of California at Santa Cruz
232. Guadalupe Martinez, Archivist / Librarian,
233. Erica Borey, Archivist & Collections Manager, Wilton House Museum
234. Nicholas Fournie, Archival Assistant , Anglican Diocese of Huron
235. Ivy Johnson
236. Frank Violette Foss, Institutional Archivist, Milwaukee Art Museum
237. Anthony Morgano, Librarian/Archivist, Milwaukee Art Museum
238. Carli Lowe, University Archivist,
239. Liú Méi Zhì Huì, Oral History Programs Manager, National Public Housing Museum Workers United; Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression; Cultural Workers for Palestine
240. Isabelle Robitaille, Librarian,
241. Sagita Mirjam Sunara, PhD, Associate Professor,
242. Yutaka Yen, MLIS, University of British Columbia
243. Quin DeLaRosa, Yale University
244. Jordanne Stahl, Library Assistant,
245. Mr. Aran Levin, Friend
246. Keenan Kobes
247. Amy Kamel, Library Information Studies student, University of Alberta
248. Basma Chebani, Associate University Librarian, American University of Beirut
249. Mr. Usama Tuqan
250. Mrs. Abir Dajani Tuqan
251. Sarah McDougall, Archives Assistant, Diocese of Toronto
252. Andrea Belair, Collections Services Librarian,
253. hr souffrant , MFA, Kartemquin Films
254. Magnus Berg, Digital Scholarship Librarian, University of Toronto, Mississauga
255. Ryan Conrad, Adjunct Research Faculty, Carleton University
256. Antoine Damiens, Research associate, York University
257. Rosemary Sayigh, Doctor of Anthropology, Retired lecturer at the American Univrersity of Beirut
258. Beck Gilmer-Osborne, Digitization Technician , The Rooms
259. Jean-Pierre Marchant, University instructor, archivist,
260. Lisa Myers, Associate Professor, York University
261. Julia Polyck-O’Neill, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Guelph
262. Joel Dickau, Outreach Officer, Archives of Ontario
263. Christopher Wolff, PhD Student, Concordia University
264. Dr. Mandy Banton, , Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London
265. Sarah Irvine, Audiovisual archivist,
266. Priyanka Seshadri, Archivist,
267. Heather Hughes, Middle East Studies Librarian
268. Camille-Mary Sharp, Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University
269. Brett Swanson, Assistant Archivist,
270. Jessica Nichol, Records Coordinator,
271. Ghada Dimashk
272. Ciera Dudley, MLIS student, San Jose State University
273. Andrés Succar Rahme, , Political scientist
274. Emily Moran, Archivist,
275. Sarah Manchon, Library assistant,
276. Walid Zarrad, American University in Cairo
277. Sadeem Ghaddar, student
278. Alec Kirkwood, Archivist, Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library, Chapman University
279. Hernani Heffner, Audiovisual archivist, Cinemateca do MAM
280. Chloe Raub
281. Nigel Nugawela, Archivist,
282. Huni Mancini, Archivist, University of Auckland
283. Rachel Smith, Archivist, Roseville Public Library
284. Emily Eckstrand, Archivist, University of Illinois
285. Ariana Celis , Library Special Projects Assistant ,
286. Isaac Amos Abanyie, Rev. Fr., Archivist of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Coast- Ghana
287. Sara shames ldin
288. Michael Zryd, Professor, York University
289. Tariq Mehmood, American university of beirut
290. Mads Kerlan, MLIS, University of Pittsburgh
291. Daniel Lowe, Curator
292. Layla Hillsden, Archivist,
293. Ed Hood, Archivist, SOAS University of London (pc)
294. Conor Walker, Trade Unionist & Cultural Memory Worker, STUC Workers for Palestine
295. Ash H, Librarian,
296. Stephen Coles, Associate Curator, Letterform Archive
297. Madeleine Mendell, Media Archivist,
298. Henry Evans-Tenbrinke, Mr., Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War
299. Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski, N/A, Independent Archivist
300. Lev Rosenberger, Archivist, UNC
301. Kelly Delevan, Librarian , Syracuse University
302. Normand Charbonneau, Retired, Formally from Library and Archives Canada
303. Fabiana Ferreira, International Advisor, Brazilian Institute of Museums
304. Jasper Saah, , University of Maryland, College Park
305. Manal Hamzeh, Professor , New Mexico State University
306. Jason Guthartz
307. Vani Natarajan, Research and Instruction Librarian, Barnard College
308. brenda bickett
309. Ardiansyah BS, Skriptoria
310. Tiffany Esteban, Digital Humanities Associate, University of Florida Libraries
311. Amanda Rios-Place, MLS, Librarian & Activist,
312. Izabella Botto, LIS,
313. Nakita Sunar, Nakita Kaur, CCC
314. Dana Nabulsi, Graduate Student, Harvard University
315. Azad Namazie, UCLA Library
316. Casey Winkleman, Librarian, UCLA
317. Alisha Cunzio, Archivist,
318. Jess Gallagher, Archivist & Historian,
319. ariel hahn, librarian & archivist , los angeles
320. Lauren Goodley, Digital Archivist, Texas State University
321. Marcus Alves , Arquivo Nacional
322. Dr Alice Corble, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow and Lecturer in Library and Information Studies, University of Sussex and Un8versity College London
323. Kyla Worrell, Library Assistant, Special Collections Reading Room, J Paul Getty Trust
324. Lauren Stuparitz , Librarian.
325. Britney Bibeault, PhD Student
326. Dan Farrell
327. Helen Bansen, MLIS, Washoe County Library System
328. Josselyn Atahualpa, Archivist, Queens Neighborhoods United
329. Kim, Salisbury
330. Tine Lavent, Head librarian, NVIC
331. Farah-Silvana, Kanaan,
332. Ibrahim Fawzy, Lecturer, Fayoum University, Egypt
333. Arwa El-Kahlour library assistant, Georgetown University – Qatar
334. Lisa Nussey, PhD student, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
335. Grace Lile, Archivist
336. Jason Villani Reference Librarian New Britain Public Library
337.Malana Krongelb Research Services Librarian Boston Public Library
338. Randa Hadi Designer, Researcher, and Informal Archivist BIPOC Design History
339.Bekah Puddington Community College & Public Librarian
340. Yoonhee Lee Librarian University of Toronto
341. Andrew Abraham S MI University of Toronto
342. Christine Karatnytsky Archivist
343. Brianna Horton Editor & Resource Specialist 211
344. Burçe Celik Researcher, historian Loughborough University
345. Rosemary K. J. Davis Head, Archival Accessioning Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University
346. Oliver Brown MLIS & Archives Student Wayne State University
347. Riley Collins Writer, student archivist
348. Rebecca Noone Lecturer University of Glasgow
349. Al Bersch Project Digital Archivist Stanford University
350.Francesca Bouaoun Reference and Digital Engagement Archivist, City of Toronto Archives
351. Rebecca Hankins Professor Texas A&M University
352. Jasper Saah MLIS Candidate and Archival Worker University of Maryland, College Park
353. Natalia Wyrd Adult Services Reed Memorial Library
354. Grace Handy Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Bank Street College and City University of New York
355. Kimberly Barzola
356. Hannah Whelan Documentation and Archives Director Texas After Violence Project
357. Ibrahim al-Rajab Managing Director Al-Muthanna Books
358. María Montenegro Assistant Professor Global and International Studies, UC Irvine
359. Breijanna Ward
360. Sigridur Regina Sigurthorsdottir collection manager / moving image archivist Living Art Museum
361. Amelia Acker Associate Professor University of Texas at Austin
362. Nora Mattern Teaching Assistant Professor University of Pittsburgh
363. João Luiz Vieira Full Professor Universidade Federal Fluminense
364. Akemi Kikawada Associate Professor Kyoto Seika University
365. Raida Gatten MLIS
366. Gracen Brilmyer Disability Archives Lab
367. Hanis Diyana Kamarudin Dr Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
368. Henria Aton PhD Candidate, Archivist University of Toronto
369. Carlotta Capuano Public Services Specialist Anne Arundel Library Workers United, Librarians and Archivists with Palestine
370. Lesley Williams Retired Head of Adult Services Evanston Public Library
371. lawrence maminta Librarian Long Beach City College
372. Hector Garcia MLIS student San Jose State University-iSchool
373. Bean Yogi Adult Services Librarian / Union steward The Seattle Public Library / AFSCME Local 2083
374. Selina Portera PhD Candidate UCLA
375. fatme charafeddine Associate University Librarian for research services American university of Beirut
376. Murchana Borah Cataloguer and archivist Film Heritage Foundation, Mumbai
377. Victoria Hoyle Senior Lecturer University of York
378. Chris Cassells Dr National Library of Scotland
379. Nayanika Panja Archivist and Researcher N/A
380. Annette Mevis archivist women's archives in Amsterdam (retired, now volunteer)
381. Myrna Morales, Phd Co-Founder of The Lolita Project
382. Francisca de Haan Prof. Emerita / Fellow CEU / IISG
383. Oscar Campbell, records manage
384. Elizabeth Wood, Archivist American Institute of Physics
385. Michelle Smith, Book conservator San Francisco Public Library
386. Nate Hubler, Archival Fellow
387. Malia Guyer-Stevens, Reference Associate, Special Collections New York University
388. Nazelie Doghramadjian, PhD Student University of Michigan School of Information
389. Sarah C. Hutton, Dr. University of Massachusetts Amherst, UMass Chan Medical School
390. David Faust, Librarian for South Asia and Middle East University of Minnesota
391. Gabrielle Crowley, Client Services Librarian University of Toronto
392. Miranda Doran-Myers, Librarian
393. Neil Hodge, UCLA Library
394. Emily Guthrie-Plouffe, ArchivistJill Hawkins Archivist
395. Jeanne Kambara, OER Publishing Librarian University of Delaware
396. Rachael Pilaski
397. Kelly Flores, Teacher Librarian LAUSD
398. Becca Greenstein, STEM Librarian Northwestern University Libraries
399. Jill Teasley Archivist
400. Alexandria Rayburn, PhD Candidate University of Michigan School of Information
401. Julia Tanenbaum, Processing Archivist University of Wisconsin Madison
402. Zoe Moshenberg, MLIS Student San Jose State University
403. Julia van der Knaap, Archivist Atria - Institute on Gender Equality and Women's History
404. Guadalupe Carrasco Cardona, Co-Founder, Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium LESMC, CSUN Chicana/o Studies, Association of Raza Educators Los Angeles
405. Fábio Fernandes, de Albuquerque Bibliotecário e Pesquisador História da Música de Perus
406. Cortney Mihulka, Archivist
407. Obden Mondésir, Archivist CUNY Haitian Studies Institute
408. Taylor Baker, Metadata Operations Specialist Columbia University
409. Alex Crowley, Librarian Queens College CUNY
410. Allan Martell, Assistant Professor Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University
411. Melanie DeSantis, librarian
412. Giorgia Arbuti, Film Archivist Italian National Film Library
413. Hannah O'Daniel McCallon, Digital Archivist
414. Ethan Rosenberg Archivist
415. Rebecca Ruth Gould, Distinguished Professor of Comparative Poetics and Global Politics School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
416. Christina Chatzitheodorou, PhD student, archivist University of Glasgow
417. Ia Bull, Student University of Maryland
418. Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner, Assistant Professor Harriet Tubman Department of WGSS, University of Maryland
419. Melodie Coulter-Pennington, MLIS
420. Ali Harding, PhD Candidate UMD College of Information Studies
421. Haley Laurila, Reference and Instruction Librarian Henry Ford College
422. Gary McAlpin
423. Marta Lucía Giraldo, Phd Universidad de Antioquia
424. Jessie Blackwell, Librarian, Special Collections & Archives University of Waterloo
425. Katherine Tucker, Assistant Director Giovale Library at Westminster University
426. Reanna Esmail, Lead Librarian for Instruction Cornell University
427. Mary Crauderueff Curator of Quaker Collections Haverford College
428. Alex Whitacre Archivist
429. Duc Ha-Minh-Minh, Lecturer Faculty of Archivology - Office Managment, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh city
430. Dr. Rose Spijkerman, International Institute of Social History
431. Elizabeth Stucki, Metadata & Workflow Operations Coordinator, UC Berkeley
432. Corinna Burrell, Library Resource Acquisitions Specialist, UC Berkeley
433. Annika Nagashima, MI student, University of Toronto
434. Tam Rayan, PhD Student University of Michigan
435. Lingyu Wang, Library Science Doctoral Student University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
436. Osman Celik, Resource Acquisitions Librarian UC Berkeley
437. Saima Fazli Metadata, Specialist UC Berkeley
438. J Dysart, Researcher/Filmmaker Independent
439. L Hernández, Archivist
440. Dyala Hamzah, Associate Professor of History University of Montreal
441. Carissa Chew, Inclusive Metadata Consultant Cultural Heritage Terminology Network
442. Natália de Castro, audiovisual archivist Centro Técnico Audiovisual, Brazil
443. Olivia Kesselring, Digital Archives Specialist SSM Health
444. Silvia de Moura, Arquivo Nacional do Brasil (retired)
445. Emily Homolka, Librarian UT Knoxville
446. Sam DiBella, University of Maryland
447. Lopitta Kattan Fares, Librarian Sydney, Australia
448. Dan N, Digital Archivist
449. Victoria Alvarenga, Archivist
450. Marek Fenners, Archival Consultant Belgium
451. Erin Grant, Historian, Archivist
452. Jocelyn Oprzedek, MI University of Toronto
453. Jennifer MacDougall, Archivist
454. Kristy Waller, Archivist Emily Carr University of Art + Design
455. Vince Teetaert Archives worker
456. Deanna Feuer, Student Archivist UBC iSchool
457. Brianne Hunter, Archivist
458. Zoe Mack, MI Student University of Toronto
459. Mary Flynn Archivist Sisters of Charity - Halifax
460. Sarah Story, Archivist
461. Katelyn Gibson, MAS, MLIS
462. Amelia Keenan, MISt
463. Alyssa Hyduk, University Archivist University of Regina Archives & Special Collections
464. Ada Bierling, MISt
465. K.B., Archivist
466. Lor Guglielmin, Records and Information Management Assistant First Nations Summit
467. Sharon Murray, Archives Advisor Council of Nova Scotia Archives
468. Chloe Belair-Morin, Archivist
469. Cassandra Norris, Digital Records Archivist
470. Lisa Uyeda, Archivist
466. Thamilini Jothilingam, Archivist
467. Kima Hazelwood, Master of Information Student Dalhousie University
468. Bahar Vaghari, Moghaddam Collections Assistant Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
469. Tess Disturnal, MI graduate University of Torontoo
470. Sam Frederick, Archivist
471. Julia Huynh, Southeast Asian Archive
472. Heather MacNeil, University of Toronto
473. Alexandra Mills, Archivist
474. Devon Mordell, educational developer McMaster University
475. Kelsey Poloney
476. Allie Querengesser, Metadata Archivist University of Calgary
477. Valérie Picard Proulx, Master of information studies student at University of Montreal Association of Canadian Archivists
478. Megan Butchart, Archival Studies Student University of British Columbia
479. Ayla-Monic Fox, Archival Assistant Nova Scotia Archives
480. Rebecca Sykes, Archivist Library and Archives Canada
481. Michael Pollard, Library Technician Emily Carr University Library
482. Jen Nangreave, Archives and Records Analyst
483. Amr Elmasry, Mr. Library and IT
484. Sundus Saba, MLIS Student Western University
485. John Richan ,Digital Archivist Concordia University
486. Sara Janes, University Archivist Lakehead University
487. Rachel Klassen, Archivist
488. Shannon O'Neill, Curator for the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives NYU
489. Nadia Caidi, Professor Univ. of Toronto
490. Jeremy Heil, Digital & Private Records Archivist Queen's University
491. Desmond Wong, University of Toronto
492. Bérénice Giasson, Archivist
493. Natalia Pietrzykowski, Reference Archivist Provincial Archives of Alberta
494. Gabrielle Visco, Librarian
495. Margaret Miller, Reference assistant Brooklyn College
496. Victoria Stratis, Reference & Instruction Librarian Baruch College, CUNY 
497. Kimberly Springer, Dr. K. Springer Oral History Archives at Columbia University
498. Emily Runde, Curator Columbia University Libraries
499. Shelley Sweeney, Archivist Emerita University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections
500. Kelli Yakabu, Archivist 
501. Lauren Hossack, Information Assistant University of Aberdeen
502. Jessica Farrell, owner/operator Redstart Works LLC
503. Luz Badillo, Librarian Santa Monica College
504. Sarah Hagerman, Librarian
505. Zakiya Collier, Archivist & Memory Worker
506. Salma Abumeeiz, Library Worker
507. Rachid Abdelhak, Information Specialist TUNISIA
508. Nathan Moles, University of Toronto Libraries
509. Dr. Fiorella Foscarini, University of Toronto
510. Gillian Lee, Librarian, Center for Book Arts
511. Annalise Domenighini, Archivist,
512. Samantha Firman, MI student, University of Toronto
513. Anthony W. Dunbar (Tony), Global Lead, CRTcollective
514. Margo Shea, Associate Professor, History, Salem State University
515. Emily Maemura, University of Illinois
516. Reiko Pleau, Archivist
517. Grace McRae, Records Manager
518. Sony Prosper, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
519. Bianca Cifuentes, Archivist 
520. Jehan Roberson, PhD Candidate/Memory Worker, Cornell University
521. Anya Dani
522. Adam Chin Blahnik, Pre-Program Conservator
523. Nicole Adams, Local History Librarian
524. Denise Liu, Library Technician
525. Lisa Burrola
526. Erin Hammeke, Conservator for Special Collections, Duke University Libraries 
527. Amanda Hegarty, Special Collections Conservator, Harvard University 
528. Melissa Adams, Librarian and Archivist, Union of BC Indian Chiefs 
529. Emma Cullen, Heritage and Archives Library Advisor, Victoria University of Wellington 
530. Vince Teetaert, Archives Technician, Winnipeg, MB 
531. Ryan Jessurun, , KNAW Humanities Cluster 
532. Leila Musson, Archives and Collections, International Institute of Social History
533. Sarah Cuk, Archivist, NYC Municipal Archives
534. Kelli O'Toole, Digital Programs Supervisor, NYC Department of Records, Shop Steward DC37 Local 154
535. Amy Wickner, archivist,
536. Daniel Giovanniello, MLIS Student, Queens College CUNY
537. Caroline Sandes, Researcher,
538. T.L. Cowan, Associate Professor, Department of Arts, Media & Culture and Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
539. Kathleen Brown, PhD Candidate, American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
540. Rula Alami, Ms,
541. Ashley D. Stevens, Archivist,
542. Peter Crownfield, Coordinator, Alliance for Sustainable Communities–Lehigh Valley
543. Kamala Platt, public scholar, author, & educator, Meadowlark Center...
544. Helena Meier, Library Assistant, University of California, Berkeley
545. Alisha Davis, Archivist and Librarian,
546. Rebekah Oden, Library Assistant, MIT
547. Kelsey Morgan, , Dalhousie University
548. Mohamed Hamed, Middle East Librarian, UC Berkeley
549. Eva Wojcik, Writer, Artist, The Interconnectedness of All Things
550. Aneil Rallin, ,
551. susan abulhawa, novelist,
552. anamaría flores, phd, Scholar-Activist-Organizer-Educator, City University of New York & Bronx Anti-War Coalition
553. Reed Hudson, Senior Conservator, Historic Environment Scotland
554. Ciara Brewer, , UCLA Library
555. Clarissa Mansfield, Library worker; Library Communications,
556. Ella Dale, , Archive and Records Management Student, UCL
557. Maurice Hines, MLIS, Maurchives Publishing
558. Suzanne Nobel, Master's student Middle East Studies, American University in Cairo
559. Ghina El Tannir, Ms., American University in Cairo
560. Ruba Sadi, Library supervisor,
561. Jo Kelcey, Assistant Professor, Lebanese American university
562. Rowan Moore, MI Candidate, Dalhousie University
563. Kristina Santiago, Library Faculty, MCCCD
564. Iliana Burgos, Librarian,
565. Mimosa Shah, Librarian, 
566. Dani Metilli, Dr, University College London
567. Izabella Botto
568. Thera Webb, Archivist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
569. Eiman Elnoshokaty, Librarian, Simon Fraser University, Canada
570. Lindsay Stokalko, Archives Specialist, University of Saskatchewan
571. Simon Wolfe, Collections Assistant, MIT Museum
572. Allison Trunkey, Library Resource Sharing Specialist, UC Berkeley
573. Angela Schilling, Archivist, Lutheran Archives LCANZ 
574. Prof, American University of Beirut
575. Jeff Spurr, Photo archivist, retired, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Documentation Center/Fine Arts Library, Harvard U.
576. Rosemary Sayigh, Dr, Retired lecturer American University of Beirut
577. Ruba Sadi, Library Supervisor,
578. Kate Emery, Archivist, Seattle University School of Law
579. Lou Hines
580. Anne Irfan, Lecturer, University College London
581. Benjamin Thomas White, Historian, University of Glasgow
582. Nicole Zador, Archivist,
583. Ammiel Alcalay, Distinguished Professor, Queens College; CUNY Graduate Center
584. Regina Landwehr, Archivist Emerita, Archives and Special Collection, University of Calgary
585. Miyuki Meyer, , UC San Diego
586. Waseem Ahmed, PhD student and PGTA History, University College London
587. Shereen Malherbe, British Palestinian Author, Author
588. Reem Ben Giaber, PhD Candidate and PGTA in Education, Institute of Education, UCL, UK
589. LAISIN Geralda Bamnso, Archivist of the National Archives Yaoundé Cameroon Africa, CENARBICA
590. Laila Kadiwal, Dr, Ucl
591. Alexandros Koukos, Photograph Conservator, National Trust
592. Jessy Mphunda, Archivist/Librarian, University of Malawi
593. Graysen Winchester, ,
594. Monna Matharu, Assistant Archivist, University of East London and SADAA
595. Jesse Carson, , UBC
596. Elizabeth J, Public Librarian,
597. Kaitlyn Griffith, Archivist and Instructor, Dominican University
598. Treshani Perera,
599. Vani Natarajan, Research Librarian, Barnard College
600. Sean P. Kilcoyne, Senior Film Archivist, Academy Film Archive
601. Patty Paine, Director of Liberal Arts & Sciences, VCUarts Qatar
602. Emma Pizarro, Archivist, LSE Library
603. François Dansereau, Course Lecturer, McGill University School of Information Studies
604. WIDHYANTO MUTTAQIEN AHMAD, Msi, Perkumpulan Creata
605. Janel Cheng, Master of Information,
606. Robyn Latimer
607. Ngọc Lại, Student, Fulbright University Vietnam
608. Seif Salmawy, Archaelogical Resource Management Graduate, University of York, UK,
609. Christina Vega, Publisher at Blue Cactus Press, Blue Cactus Press
610. Burce Celik, Dr, Loughborough University
611. Olivai Camacho, Rights and Reproductions Specialist, Milwaukee Art Museum
612. Sofia Leung, librarian
613. Jen Derless, Rev
614. Julie Herrada, Librarian, University of Michigan
615. Julie Shi, Digital Preservation Librarian, University of Toronto
616. Henette Wester, Archivist, SLU
617. Bassem Saab, Prof, American University of Beirut
618. Marco Lanier, Independent Archivist,
619. Talia Fradin, MLIS Student, University of Arizona
620. Anaïs Farine, Researcher and film archivist, Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle
621. Ezrena Marwan, Co-Lead Liberatory Archives and Memory, Whose Knowledge?
622. Will Duppel, PLSC Researcher, AUB
623. Unknown, Oklahoma
624. Unknown, Alaska, North Dakota
625. Unknown, South Dakota, Tennessee
626. Riley Linebaugh, , Humboldt University of Berlin
627. Monica Patterson, Associate Professor, Carleton University
628. Jordan Busch, MLIS Student, Dominican University
629. Cecilia L. Salvatore, Professor
630. Lauren Todd, MLIS Student, Dominican University
631. adrian hernandez, Conservation Graduate Student, New York University
632. Williams, Jacqulyn, Head of Teaching, Learning, and Strategic Initiatives, Associate Professor, VCUQ Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar
633. Simona Coltello, Creative Director, Pessima
634. Léa morin, Chercheuse, Talitha archives du cinéma
635. Mohamed Shalaby, General Manager Middle East & North Africa, Piql AS
636. Ana Knežević Roeschley, Assistant Professor
637. Maeve Slack-Watkins, Mx., University of Toronto
638. Angelica Alves, , LIS Master’s student at The University of Toronto
639. Erica de Souza, , University of Toronto 
640. Rosie Ryel, Graduate Student Library Assistant & MI LIS Student, University of Toronto
641. Maria Vidal Valdespino, MI Student, University of Toronto
642. Carolyn Smith, MI Graduate Student, Dalhousie University
643. Emily Faubert, PhD Student, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information
644. Violet Fox, Librarian, Northwestern University
645. Sherry Ostapovitch, PhD Candidate, OISE, University of Toronto
646. Emma Thomas, Archivist,
647. Moska Rokay, PhD Student, University of Toronto
648. Cynthia Tobar, Head Librarian/Associate Professor, Center for Puerto Rican Studies
649. francis garaba, Free Palestine, Liberation struggle archives researcher
650. Gabriele Mohale, , Archives, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
651. Nourane Abdelshafy, MI Candidate in ARM, Library Assistant, University of Toronto
652. Brittany Jeans, MI Student, University of Toronto
653. Emma Vibert, , Master of Information Student, Dalhousie University
654. Cecilia Palombo, Assistant Professor, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago
655. Lauren Sorensen
656. Monuchroth Keary, MLIS Student, San Jose State University
657. Anna Shah Hoque, Adjunct Professor and Curator, Mount Allison University
658. Khaldun Bshara, Assistant Proffessor, Birzeit University
659. Mohammad Musabbih, Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Dataserve company
660. Allison Mei, MI Student, University of Toronto
661. Julia Smith, M.S. LIS Graduate Student, Simmons University, Boston, MA
662. Joe Buckley, Library Worker, Suffolk Libraries, UK
663. Lily Green, MI ARM student, University of Toronto
664. Brittany Shaw, MLIS student, Queens College
665. Noah Lawson, , ACP UConn/Storrs Club, CT
666. Franky Moore, Preservation Science Specialist,
667. Marina Mikhail, MI student, University of Toronto
668. Aisha Wahab, Paper Conservator, Stanford Libraries
669. Hanan Ghaddar
670. Linda L, , Stanford University
671. Maria Byrne, MLS/MA student, CUNY Queens College
672. Ana Luisa Madrigal Limón, In charge of the Historical Archive of the National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
673. Rudaynah Shoujah, Retired Librarian, Lebanese Library Association
674. Hannah Adkins, Archivist, New York
675. Aisha Wahab, Paper Conservator, Stanford Libraries
676. Reyhane Mirabootalebi, Dr., University of Melbourne
677. Anika Luya Dingcong-Martinez, Library Services Assistant, Baltimore County Public Library
678. Nicole Ball, Librarian, Maryland, USA
679. Sanne Berbers, Heritage scientist,
680. Omar Al-Samadi, MI Student, University of Toronto
681. Lauren Goodley, Digital Archivist, Texas State University
682. Lou McCarthy, Director of Archives, LGBT Community Center
683. Lucy Talbot Allen, Moving image archivist-in-training, NYU
684. Tara Hart, Archivist,
685. Meliha Avdic, Miss, Activist and Writer
686. Roberta L. Dougherty, Librarian for Middle East Studies, Yale University Library
687. Ibrahim A. al-Rajab, Director, Al-Muthanna Library
688. Denise Soufi, Librarian,
689. Josh Smith, Assistant Archivist, Pacific Lutheran University
690. Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski, Archivist,
691. Callum Davidson (کلم داودسن), MI, University of Toronto
692. Karly Gunson, Library assistant, graduate student, LIS, University of Toronto
693. Chelsea Brian, MI-LIS student and library worker, University of Toronto
694. Jill Morena, Registrar, University of Texas at Austin
695. Lyric Evans-Hunter, Archivist,
696. Fatma Fahmy, Archives supervisor, American research Center in Egypt
697. Gabriel Silvano, , BFA Alumni in Art, University of Illinois at Chicago
698. Nathalie Rosa Bucher, researcher, archivist, writer,
699. Elise Mills, MLIS student, San Jose State
700. Jordan Meyerl, Senior Archives Cataloguer, Historic New England
701. Rachel Mahre, Audiovisual Processing Archivist, New York University
702. Gwen Friesen, Archives Coordinator, Rossland Museum, Canada
703. Stephanie Trasoff, , Retired library worker
704. Sarah Fishburn, , Artist and Author, Colorado US
705. Rachel Smith, Librarian/Archivist, Roseville Public Library
706. Ariana Celis, Reader Services Coordinator and MLIS Student, SJSU
707. Julia Rosenzweig, Archive and Outreach Manager, Non-profit archivist
708. Musa Salih Muhammad, Archivist, Ahmadu Bello University
709. Beck Mallwitz, PhD Student, University of Michigan
710. Jill Morena, Registrar, University of Texas at Austin
711. Nicole Richardson, MI Student, Dalhousie University
712. A. Rahi, Resident Librarian/Archivist,
713. Megan McShea, Archivist, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
714. Martha Tenney, Director, Barnard Archives and Special Collections
715. Rachelle Tabet, Deputy Director of Collections, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art
716. Cristina Saggioro, archivist,
717. Ariadna Cordero, MA in Art History, Spain,
718. Zoë-Eve Rhinehart, ,
719. Mustafa Jarrar, Professor, Birzeit University
720. Dalal Bajes, Ibn Haldun University, Department of Sociology
721. Marek Fenners, Archivist, Archiefpunt
722. Cassandra Burbine, , MI Candidate, Dalhousie University
723. Amanda Rios-Place, Librarian, Harris County, Texas
724. Darla Tejada, Masters of Art Curatorship Student, University of Melbourne
725. Joan Nestle, MS, Lesbian Herstory Archives
726. Amina Ferley Yael, Film Archive Student, EQZE
727. Maria Lee, Librarian,
728. Wanggi Hoediyatno, Pantomime Artist Militant, Pusat Studi Mime Indonesia
729. Margo Tamez, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
730. Omar Khatib, Archival community - Palestine, ICA
731. Ramzi Mansouri, Archive consultant, Records Manager,
732. Haneen Alamssi, Gaza, CEO for Eyes on Heritage
733. Katelyn Dow, , Dalhousie
734. Wendy Matsumura, Associate Professor, UC San Diego
735. Lisa Cohen, Associate Professor, Writer, Wesleyan University
736. Cristina Genao, LIS and Archival Master's Student, The Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, CUNY Queens College
737. Lindsey Moore, Reader in Postcolonial Literature, Lancaster University (UK)
738. Elnasser Attallah, Producer/Filmmaker, IDP for Management and Film
739. Elias Bweta, Junior Lecturer, University of Kinshasa
740. Devon Murphy, metadata professional, UT Austin
741. Ashley Gillard, Archive Assistant, Lincoln University of PA
742. Karla Roig Blay
743. Ana Luisa Madrigal, In charge of the Historical Archive of the National Museum of Anthropology, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
744. Désirée Clary, Archivist, MLIS Graduate Student, San Jose State University 
745. Ann Butler, Librarian - Archivist,
746. Enas Saleh, Librarian
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