St. Elizabeth Faith Formation Program Volunteers
The CCD program teaches children in the faith formation program. The classes are offered weekly for various grades (1 through 8) on Sunday morning and Monday evening. Curriculum includes catechesis on the Scriptures, Sacraments, Catechism, the Mass, and the Liturgical Year. The texts used are published by Our Sunday Visitor and follow our diocesan guidelines for Religious Education. Special focus is given to sacramental preparation during grades 2 and 8. The texts are from Dynamic Catholic. The First Communion program is entitled Blessed and the Confirmation program is entitled Decision Point.
Catechists are given training, an aide in the classroom, and a teacher textbook with teaching tips. We are working to pull together online resources and sample activities from the Faith Formation Office. Volunteers in our CCD program are responsible for faith formation of our most treasured resource – our children. Although each parent is the primary educator of their children in matters of faith, catechists provide an indispensable service to the children and their families by sharing their faith and giving their time to explain the teachings of the Catholic Church. As an additional benefit, catechists certainly deepen their own faith through the experience of teaching it to others.
There are many other ways to volunteer as well. Please consider giving your time to help our program continue to grow.