Youth Chorus Day - Monday, Aug. 28th
Want to check out our Youth Chorus program?  Come join us on Monday, August 28th in the Concert Hall at Groton Hill Music, located at 122 Old Ayer Road in Groton.  
  • 11am to 12pm - Students ages 5 to 7 
  • 12:30 to 2pm - Students ages 8 to 12
Use the form below to sign up!

New and returning students of all ages are invited to see the new rehearsal and performance space, sing with friends and ask any questions you might have.  Be sure to bring a friend as well!

Have any questions?  Contact the Class & Ensemble Manager Lauren Panfili at

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Student First and Last Name *
Parent First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Student Age *
My student will attend the following session: *
I will be bringing a friend on August 28th! *
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