4th Regional Conference of Evaluators Reflecting the practice of evaluation
The 4th regional conference is organized by WBEN - Western Balkans Evaluation Network as a regional network that makes efforts to promote evaluation concept and raise evaluation culture in the Balkans region.
The Macedonian Evaluation Network (MEN), Management Consulting Association (MCA 2000) and University of Tourism and Management Skopje - Institute of Business and Management (UTMS/IBM) are this year the hosts of the conference in close collaboration with all the members of WBEN. The conference will be a one-day event, bringing together professionals in evaluation, relevant government officials, international organizations, academics, civil society representatives and other stakeholders from across Balkans, Europe and beyond that strive to enhance and promote the use of evaluation and its development as a discipline and a profession. The programme of the conference will comprise plenary, panel and group discussions on a range of priority issues, with the aim of achieving consensus around important topics.