Are You Willing To Invest 5 Minutes In Order To Sell (or Lease) Your Mineral Rights?
Thank you for reaching out to us at with questions about your mineral rights. To make our upcoming call more productive and in an attempt to give you the best possible help, information and advice, we could first use a little help from you to get started.  Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability. We know this can seem like a lot to ask, but providing as much information as you can will allow us to cover as much material as possible to answer your questions in the limited time we have on our first call.
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In what state are your minerals located? *
If Oklahoma, what is the County, Section, Township, and Range of your mineral interest?
 If Texas, what is the abstract number, survey name, block and section, as applicable. Please provide the legal description if you have that (i.e. SW/4)
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