#megsmiles Runs RVA 2019
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Which race will you be running this year? *
Is this your first time running that race distance? *
Will you be attending the Friday morning Memorial Run? *
If yes, how many will be in your party?
Will you be attending the Friday night pre-race dinner at Cool Spring Baptist Church? *
If yes, how many will be in your party?
Please tell us about any dietary restrictions and/or food allergies.
Will you be attending the Saturday night dinner at Hanover Tavern? *
If yes, how many will be in your party?
Will you be attending the Sunday morning church service at Cool Spring Baptist Church? *
If yes, how many will be in your party?
Will you be attending the Sunday afternoon lunch at El Azteca? *
If yes, how many will be in your party?
Using one word, please describe what Meg's Miles means to you.
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