Family Profile Form
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Getting To Know Your Child
Child First Name *
Child Last Name *
Child Date of Birth *
Tell us your child's favorite activities. *
What are your child's favorite foods? Any dislikes? *
Describe your child's character. *
How does your child express their feelings? *
Does your child have any special attachments (i.e. blanket, toy)? *
Please list any concerns or behaviors you would like our help with. *
Describe any special needs or accommodations.
Getting To Know Your Family
Who lives at home(s), including pets.
Please list your family's interests.
Please list all languages spoken at home.
Please list family traditions celebrated.
Any recent changes (i.e. new baby, move, job change)?
Please explain why this preschool is a good choice for your child.
What are your expectations for your child's early childhood education?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your child?
Person Completing Application
First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Child *
Email *
Phone *
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