Tummery Athletic Football Fun Camp
Tummery Athletic FC are hosting a Football Fun Camp in partnership with DS Coaching from Wednesday 14th August to Friday 16th August 10am-1pm

Children are advised to bring some snacks(no nut products) and a drink and wear appropriate clothing for the weather. The cost for the 3 days will be £25 for one child, £50 for two children from the same family, £70 for three children from the same family or £90 for four children from the same family. 
The price per day is £10.

The week is open to all children aged 5-12 and you do not need to be registered to the club to attend. 

Please complete form below if interested in attending the camp and confirm space by booking online


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Childs First Name *
Childs Surname *
Parents/Guardians Name *
Emergancy Contact 1 (Name and Number) *
Emergancy Contact 2 (Name and Number)
Parents Email Address *
Second Child Name  (Skip if not applicable)
DOB  (Skip if not applicable)
Third Childs Name (Skip if not applicable)
DOB  (Skip if not applicable)
Any relevant medical information
Days Attending *
In the event of illness or accident, I give permission for first aid to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated First Aider, or suitably qualified medical practitioner. In case of emergency, I understand that staff will do everything possible to contact the parent / guardian so that they can make the appropriate medical decisions for their child. In extreme circumstances where medical treatment is required without delay, I authorise the leader in charge to give consent for any medical treatment on my / our behalf.
I give my consent for my child to be photographed / videoed for the use of publicity only, which may include the clubs websites and associated social media sites.Give consent?
Any other comments  (Skip if not applicable)
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