Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut-250 110, U.P.      


Note: This questionnaire is to seek feedback on Curriculum, teaching learning and evaluation. The information will be used as important feedback for syllabus revision, reconstruction of curriculum and quality improvement of the programme.

Please rate the following on a scale of 5 [where, 5-Excellent; 4-very good; 3-good; 2-average; 1 -poor]

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Name of the Teacher
Name of College
Contact No.
Academic Year for feedback
1. Rate the present course curriculum
2. Program outcome are well defined and clear to staff and students
3. To what extent the present curriculum is able to instill critical thinking in the students
4. To what extent the course curriculum (internship/Student READY/ELP/field visit/guest lectures/assignments/seminar etc ) are relevant to development of  knowledge and skill for employment and self employment. *
5. To what extent the course curriculum meets the requirement of the industry
6. The course/syllabus has good balance between theory and lab work *
7. The curriculum design teaching-learning-assessment and examination are effectively carried out on-time
8. The curriculum contains a wide range of courses under choice based credit system
9. The university has enough relevant resources which are updated regularly for teaching learning process
10. Courses motivate students to use various resources that are available in the university and outside for their effective learning
11. The assessment and evaluation system objectively measure the course outcomes (COs) and program specific outcome (PSOs)

Remarks: Give yours Comments / Observations / Suggestions, if any:

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