24-Hour Prayer Vigil Sign Up
Event Timing: January 6 at 7pm - January 7 at 7pm

Event Address: 222 Lincoln Street, Berlin, CT 06037
            In the Sanctuary from 7 - 9 pm on Friday night during Presence Worship Night.
            Remaining hours will be held in Conference Room 1 (behind the sanctuary)

Contact us at (860) 225-0661 or office@wellspring.net
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Email *
The purpose of this form is to express your intention to join specific hours of prayer during the 24 Hour Prayer Vigil at Wellspring. This is a great help to the organizers and provides a way to be sure all time slots are covered.
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Please pick time you will attend.  Please select all that apply.
9PM - 10PM
10PM - 11PM
11PM - 12AM
Friday Jan. 6
Please continue selecting here.
12AM - 1AM
1AM - 2AM
3AM - 4AM
4AM - 5AM
5AM - 6AM
6AM - 7AM
7AM - 8AM
8AM - 9AM
9AM - 10AM
10AM - 11AM
11AM - 12PM
12PM - 1PM
1PM - 2PM
2PM - 3PM
3PM - 4PM
4PM - 5PM
5PM - 6PM
6PM - 7PM
Saturday Jan. 7
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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