If you want to order / ask for a quote for Recolored Mood Badges (Set/Add-Ons), please fill out this form. Please note that this form is for Recolors only, not for Custom Sets (please check out my website for more details).

The basic price for a Recolored Set is $40 (for 5 pages) and + $8 for each additional Add-On page. If a character is very complicated or bigger changes/extras are required, the price will be a little higher (I will tell you the final quote after you filled out this form).

Shipping world-wide without tracking is $10.
Shipping world-wide insured including tracking is $16.
Shipping within Germany is 5 EUR.

Please note: The Mood Badge drawings are kinda toony / feral. Some details may not work well with that style (e.g. anthro hair styles, clothing). Accessories (jewelery, earrings, collar, scarf, etc.) work fine.

For more information, samples and details, please also see my website:
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Recolored Mood Badges - SETS and ADD-ONS
What pages do you want? *
Please select if you want a Set (the basic Set usually includes: Hungry, Busy, Need Coffee, Party, Happy Hugs) and/or extra pages (Add-Ons). You can also swap pages in a Set (for example if you want the Add-On "Sweet" instead of "Busy" from the Set). Be creative! You can create various moods by changing the text or adding details (e.g. TIPSY made of the SWEET badge)! ********** Please note that the new three Add-Ons (Tired, Not Amused, Need Drink) are not available for all Sets yet (to be added).
Swap badges?
Do you want to swap any badges? For example you want a Set with 5 badges, but you want "NOT HAPPY" instead of "NEED COFFEE". Just tell me here. Of course you can also use a badge twice and use different texts and colors for it (for example: same image, but one text "SWEET" and one "TIPSY")
Text changes?
Please list all of them, otherwise I will use the Standard texts. Example: "TIRED" instead of "NEED COFFEE" | "May contain traces of sugar" instead of "alcohol" | "SHINY" instead of "HAPPY HUGS" | ...
Any graphic extras / changes?
Example: Coke instead of coffee mug | Soda instead of beer bottle | ... Depending on how complicated changes are, this may affect the price (e.g. changing the drink on the PARTY badge doesn't cost extra, but replacing the drawing board on ARTISTIC with another item would)
Your character - Species *
Example: Wolf, fox, snow leopard, gryphon, tiger, ...
Your character - Reference picture(s) *
Recommended! Please enter links / URLs (character sheets or pictures) - all details must be visible!
Your character - Extras / Details
Anything else I need to know? Please mention all important markings / details - if not clearly shown in the reference pictures! For example: hair, jewelery, different or multiple tails, piercings, tattoos, etc.
Your character - Any of the following extras?
File for Telegram Stickers (+$5)
If you want to create a Sticker Set of your Recolored Mood Badge images, you can request the file here. You will receive an extra file (png) with the characters only on transparent background (one image, you need to cut out and upload the stickers on Telegram yourself). Price for the extra file is $5.
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