Running in Production - Get Interviewed by Email
Hi, if you're more comfortable with sharing your story in written form instead of a podcast you've come to the right place. These interviews will be stress free and will be email based. This way you can complete the questions on whatever schedule works best for you.

First up, I just want to say that all submissions are welcome.

That includes solo developers feeling your way through your first deployment of a side project all the way to mission critical apps running at any scale. Your app can also be internal or publicly available on the internet.

Since that covers such a wide range of tech choices, this initial form will help cover the bare minimum of information I need to help prepare a good set of questions to ask you.

By the way, this form submission will be private. No one will be able to read it except you and me.
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What's your full name? *
When the interview gets posted, your name will be mentioned in the interview.
What's your email address? *
This will only be used so we can contact each other directly beyond this form. It will never be shared, marketed to or listed anywhere publicly unless you explicitly request otherwise.
Describe your app or site in as little or as much detail as you want. *
For example, how would you describe your site to someone who has never heard of it before? What problem does your app solve?
How long has this app been running in production? *
Has it been a few days, decades or somewhere in between.
What does your tech stack look like? *
Feel free to answer this with as much or as little information as you want. But here's a few examples of questions to ask yourself. What is your primary web framework or language? What database services do you use? What platform are you using to host things on? The interview will go into more detail on other parts of the stack.
Is your site publicly available on the internet or is it internal? *
If it's public please list the URL here. If it's internal or some mix of both you can include a bit of details about that here.
Roughly how much traffic do you get? *
This isn't for bragging rights or anything like that. It's just to get an idea of how many page views or back-end events you're dealing with. You can give your monthly amount, but if it makes sense to talk about traffic in another way -- such as short bursts of high traffic, feel free to do so.
Is your app open source?
If it is, drop a link to your repo(s) here. This is mainly for me so that I can better understand your app. I'm sure it will be interesting to talk about it being open source in the interview too, but if your app isn't open source that's totally fine. Realistically I know most apps will be closed source.
What to expect after submitting this form?
In a few days I will email you with a much more detailed list of questions and then you can answer them on whatever schedule works best for you.
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