Jobs for James
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English name: *
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Jobs for James:
1. James is ... *
2. James has a pet. The pet is... *
3. James wants to buy... *
4. According to page 5, how much money does James have to earn? (Money he needs - Money he has =) *
5. Who gives James his first job? *
6. How many hours would James need to rake leaves to make 5$? *
p 9-10
7. Who asks James to pull up weeds? *
8. According to page 10, James made the least money doing which of these jobs? *
p 11-12
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE! *
10. Which word could also be used to describe James at the end of the story. *
11. EXTRA POINT- With the money James had before and the money he earned, how much money does he have after he buys the thing he wants? How much extra money does he have? *
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