Get Listed!
Interested in having your Notary profile listed for FREE on our upcoming NATIONAL Notary website? 
Your notary info will be available for public views once the website is published (Est live date - mid 2024 )
Potential customers can search for your areas covered and contact you directly for services that you offer. 
*This is a FREE listing and not any promise of work
Questions? Email:

**All questions are required to be answered - If no answer enter N/A or select your best response
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First Name
Last Name *
Notary Cell Number xxx- xxx-xxxx *
Notary Email *
State of Commission *
County of Commission *
List 10 zip codes nearest you - separate by comma *
How long have you been an active notary? 
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Did your state require education to become a Notary?  *
Additional Certifications/Trainings *
Types of Certifications held *
Specify "Other Training/Certification"
Do you have a current NNA background check? Must have been completed within the last 12 months to remain current with NNA *
Availability *
Experience Level (not published for public view) Please be 100% honest! *
Website link (if none, enter N/A) *
Google Business Profile link  (if none, enter N/A) *
Do you live or work within 30 miles of your main Secretary of State office? 
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Write a brief introduction for your listing *
Do you have a laser printer?  *
Do you have a scanner? *
Do you have a mobile printer & scanner set up in your vehicle?  *
Did we miss something? Any specifics you'd like to mention?  (if none, enter N/A) *
I hereby agree to allow Notary Newbies Mentor to publish the above information on the internet - my information will appear exactly as provided above. No changes to details will be made, although some above items may not be available for public view. (be sure to double check your responses above for accuracy)

If I choose to update/change/remove my information from public viewing, I will need to send an email request stating request for update/change/removal to:
Response and action may take 7-15 business days
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