成人教育資助計劃 Adult Education Subvention Scheme (2020-21)
(1) 銀齡基礎普通話班
(2) 銀齡個人電子產品與應用程式入門
(3) 少數族裔基礎中文口語班  Elementary Oral Chinese for Ethnic Minorities
(4) Excel商業應用入門 (將於下年初開課)

-  每班共6堂,每堂2小時, Total 6 classes, 2 hours/lesson
-  每班費用為$50,  $50/lesson
-  恕不接受即場報名,  Do not accept walk-in registration

*如需要查詢,請電郵到 liamkan@hkct.edu.hk , 並清楚列明姓名、聯絡電話、電郵地址或致電22653895與簡先生或22653885與葉小姐聯絡。
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to send email to liamkan@hkct.edu.hk and state your name, contact number and email address clearly. Or you may contact Mr Kan at 22653895 or Ms Yip at 22653885.

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