Concord Elementary Kindergarten/Jr. Jacket Enrollment Interest Form
If you would like to enroll your, kindergarten student, for the 24-25 school year, fill out the questionnaire.  After you complete the questionnaire, you will receive an email providing more information about enrollment, roundup, and a confirmation of your round up appointment time. We are excited to welcome your Kindergartener/Jr. Jacket into the hive! #GOJACKETS #ONEHIVE
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Adresă de e-mail *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Birthdate *
Parents Name *
Mailing Address *
Contact Number *
Did your student attend preschool? *
If the student attended preschol, what is the name of the preschool? *
Please choose two time slots from the times provided (We will send a follow up email confirming the time once we have received this form) *
O copie a răspunsurilor tale va fi trimisă prin e-mail la adresa pe care ai indicat-o.
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul JCISD. Raportează un abuz