Mangawhai Business Association Survey 2024
The purpose of our 5-min survey is to assess the current perspectives and concerns within our Mangawhai Business Community
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Email *
1) First and Last Name *
2) Legal Company/Organisation Name *
3) Trading As Name (if different to above)
4) Please select the options that best apply to you *
5) How many years have you/your business been based in Mangawhai? *
6) How many employees work in your Mangawhai business? *
7) How do most of the people you work with get to work? *
8) Why do you work/have a business in the Mangawhai region? (Choose all that apply)
9) What would make the Mangawhai Heads and Village business areas more desirable? (Choose all that apply) *
10) Which of our programs & membership benefits are valuable to you? (Choose all that apply)  
11)  What would you like to hear about? (Choose all that apply) *
12) We encourage people to get involved in the Mangawhai Business Community. What opportunities would interest you? (Choose all that apply)
13)  How interested are you or your employees in attending workshops/seminars on the following topics? (Choose all that apply) *
14) What language does your business predominantly use for communication with customers and stakeholders? (Choose all that apply)
15) What are the most important business goals for the next 12 months? (Choose all that apply)  
16) What do you want the Mangawhai Business Association to do more of?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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