Gobbler's Run Sponsorship Form
With over 2,000 participants, this popular Thanksgiving Day race is proving to be a local tradition that will continue to grow through the coming years. This race wouldn’t be successful without incredible community support and sponsorship from enthusiastic businesses like yours! Your company’s tax-deductible sponsorship allows the Club to continue to offer programs and services that promote and enhance the development of local boys and girls.

Sponsorship is just one way to get involved. Sponsors get free registrations (number based on sponsorship level) ~ you can create a team of staff members, friends, or family to come out and participate in the race. We encourage companies to set up booths in the parking lot on race day and join the festivities. Or your staff can volunteer ~ help with registration or get out on the course to cheer on participants. There are so many ways to get involved!
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Company/Organization Name *
Please list how you would like the name of your company to appear on marketing materials
Address *
Include the City, State, and Zip Code
Contact Name *
First and Last Name
Contact Title *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Please include the area code
What level sponsorship would you like to commit to? *
Please refer to the chart on our website's "Sponsorship" page to view  the benefits attached to different sponsorship levels
Any additional thoughts or comments?
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