SVYM Volunteer Engagement Form - Indian Nationals 
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Your Email ID *
Your Name *
Your Phone No. *
Your Contact Address 
If you are a student, please share the name of your University/College 
What program/course/specialization are you pursuing?  
If you are a working professional, what is your field of expertise 
If you are a working professional, what is your field of expertise? 
Are you interested in volunteering for a particular role/cause at SVYM?  *
Do you want to volunteer in person or virtually (volunteer from home). Virtual volunteering suits only certain type of opportunities  *
Would you like to be notified about upcoming volunteering opportunities through email?  *
Choose the volunteering opportunities in SVYM that you are interested in *
Please drop any query that you have and we'll get back to you at the email id that you've shared
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This form was created inside of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement.

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