NWA Writers’ Resources Survey

Thank you for your feedback regarding the development of services to the writing community in Northwest Arkansas. Your feedback is vital to making sure we do the most good for the most people!

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Which resources for writers in NWA have you taken part in? (ex. attended a workshop on social media marketing at FPL, attended Ozark Creative Writing Conference in Eureka Springs, used CACHE’s grants info page, etc.)

To help us prioritize, which FIVE services would you most like to see more of? 

Please use this space to provide more detail regarding services you would like to see, people with whom we should connect, etc. 

If a centralized organization was developed, would you be interested in serving as a volunteer? If so, please describe the type and amount of work you would like to do to serve the NWA writing community. 

Since you have a way with words, help us with names! What names or words do you suggest for the naming of a collaboration of people and organizations who want to support the writing community? (ex. NWA Writers’ Association, please don’t use the word “guild,” there’s a cool place in Minneapolis called The Loft Literary Center, etc.)

How did you hear about this event/survey? 

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