Muslim Youth Narratives Project - Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in doing an interview, please fill out some contact info below so I can get in touch!
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Are you aged 18-25? This is one of the inclusion criteria, so at this time I am not interviewing people younger or older but if anything changes I will get in touch! You can still fill out the interest form if you'd like. *
What is your first name and last initial? *
What is the best email to reach you? (for sending consent forms & scheduling) *
What's the best phone number to reach you (for scheduling)
Do you want to have a 10 min phone-call before the interview so you can ask questions/I can explain the study a bit more?  *
For the 90 min interview, what days and times generally work best for you in this summer? Interviews will begin June 13 2024 Inshallah. If you only have specific availability feel free to suggest exact dates and times. I will be in touch soon to confirm a date.  *
What format of interview works better? At this time we can only offer in-person for Calgary participants
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