Technical Panel Vacancies

Welsh Gymnastics are looking to fill the following vacancies on the current technical panels that will be in place until the end of 2026. Closing date will be the 5th January 2025;.

Team Gym - Competition Lead

Team Gym - Discipline Representative

 Purpose of Technical Panels: 

To provide guidance and advice on technical aspects of the discipline specifically, competition pathways and regulations; community voice; judging co-ordination, enforcing rules and Code of Points; squad criteria and regional representation selections; collaboration with WG staff on discipline development against the WG strategy. All members of the panel are responsible for ensuring the disciplines are safe, inclusive and provide positive experiences. The panels must drive appropriate behaviours and values throughout the disciplines. 

1. Competition Lead. The role will advise on the domestic competition structure, rules required and complete/check running orders and schedules for discipline competitions. They will liaise with the WG Competition Coordinator for their discipline. * 

2. Judge Lead. This role will primarily provide the expert knowledge on all things judging, code of points support, rules enforcement, panel make-ups along with working with WG to identify, recruit and mentor individuals with a talent/passion for judging. 

3. Discipline Representative. This role would advise on squad criteria, squad coaching, pathway to performance development, athlete, and community voice. Each of the disciplines will be supported by a member of WG staff and have required WG staff in attendance. 

* Additional Floor Manager work will form part of a separate contract of services. 

The Facilitation: 

1. Each of the disciplines will be led by a member of WG staff. The panel will also have administrative support from a WG staff member. 

2. It is proposed that dependent on the areas of focus or work involved, other experts are invited to work with the TP and WG, and/or voluntary working sub-working groups are set up that can both serve to support members of the TP and provide succession planning development during the cycle. 

3. In addition, and ensuring transparent decision making and communication, each discipline must hold a minimum of 2 discipline forums with the purpose of updating the community, enabling consultation, and providing opportunity for question and answers. 

 4. Technical Panel Experts will be required to attend meetings on a quarterly basis. Additional meetings may be arranged on an ad hoc basis should urgent matters need to be discussed. 

Services required: 

Competition Lead 

Rate of pay: £250 per annum 

• The individual will advise on the domestic competitions for their discipline 

• They will complete the competition handbook for the discipline

• They will advise on the structure required and check/complete running orders and schedules for discipline competitions

• They will have technical knowledge of the discipline either gained through experience or qualification 

• Would have experience of organising area, national or international competitions 

Judge Lead 

Rate of pay: £250 per annum 

• This individual will primarily provide the expert knowledge on all things judging; code of points support, rules enforcement, panel make-ups 

• Head judge at Welsh Championships

• The judge lead will work with WG to identify, recruit and mentor individuals with a talent/passion for judging; this will include holding judge evenings, meetings 

• Course tutoring will be paid as per an educator contract 

• Qualified as a Brevet in the relevant discipline (National would be considered) 

Discipline Representative. 

Rate of Pay: £250 per annum 

• The individual will review squad criteria and attend selections panels, alongside staff (if appropriate) 

• Attend discipline forums to ensure community voice is heard and fed through to WG 

• Input into the workforce and discipline strategies and plans 

• Work closely with the Performance Programme Manager to ensure the direction and objectives of the discipline are being achieved

• Hold a coaching or judging qualification within the discipline at Level 3/National and above 

• Committed to continual development and learning opportunities 

• Accessed or currently accessing BG, WG performance or pathway opportunities

All roles will require the individual to work at the utmost standards of conduct and demonstrate appropriate values and behaviours. Inclusivity and diversity will run throughout all decisions and programmes and the individual must be a leader in delivering the best environment and opportunities for all. Must hold current WG membership with no restrictions. 

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