Birth Control Storybank
We want to hear your birth control story—and help amplify it. Why? Because your voice matters, and it can make a difference. Storytelling is a critical part of changing policy and public conversations. Your story—yes, yours—can help a young person feel less alone, cause a policymaker to think differently about passing a law, and help shift public opinion.  

We may share your story (with just your first name, age group, and the state you’re from) to highlight the importance of affordable access to all birth control methods and to amplify the many ways birth control has helped people achieve their goals. If you’re interested, there may be opportunities in the future for you to share your story with a reporter, legislator, or a social media campaign.  
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Share why you love your method! Some people love their method because it has no hormones. Others rave about the ability not to make game-time decisions thanks to their low-maintenance method—like the IUD or implant.  
Have you ever had to struggle to get your birth control? Whether it’s due to a lack of clinics in your area, a lack of transportation to get to the clinic, or a cost that’s too high, we know the struggle can be real. You’re not alone. Share your story, so others know they’re not alone, either.  
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