Wellington Citizen Compass
This registration submission authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to capture my image and likeness in photos, videos and other media footage (“footage”). Additionally, it authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to edit, publish and distribute any and all footage of me without any compensation to be used for any lawful purpose (e.g. creating promotional material).This registration submission authorises UN Youth New Zealand the right to collect, store and use any and all demographic information of me to be used for any lawful purpose (e.g. tracking who our organisation is reaching). This demographic information will not be individually identifiable. The foregoing authorisations shall continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke them in writing to privacy@unyouth.org.nz.
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Email *
Phone Number *
First Name *
Last Name *
Suburb *
What school do you go to? *
Gender *
What ethnicity(s) do you identify with? *
Date of birth *
What year of school are you? *
How did you learn about UN Youth? *
Why would you like to attend this event?
Is this your first UN Youth Event? *
Do you have any medical/special requirements?
Is there anything we can do to make your experience more comfortable?
Would you like to subscribe to our Wellington Regional High School Students' Mailing List? (The email address you use to register for this event will be used.) *
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