Are high prices for health care and prescription drugs making you sick?

As part of the Fair Health Prices Washington campaign, we are continuing to work on supporting policy changes to reduce high health care costs and make health care more affordable for everyone.

We need compelling stories about people who've had problems affording health care - folks who are uninsured or underinsured, have avoided care due to cost, have medical debt, etc. - to help put a face to the numbers and support efforts to make meaningful change. 

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What kind of insurance do you have?
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If you answered "other" above, please explain
Are you worried about how you can afford the cost of health care for you or your family?
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Have you delayed or avoided going to the doctor because of concern over how much it will cost?
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If yes, did your condition worsen?
Do you have medical debt or a medical bill that you haven't paid yet?
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Describe when you received medical care and were shocked by the bill you received. 
What dreams are unreachable because of your medical debt?  What have you not been able to do or pay for because of your medical bills or prescription drug costs?
What do you want policymakers to know about how the cost of health care affects you?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you for sharing your experience.

Please provide your contact information so we can connect to hear more about your experience. We will not share any information without your permission.

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