CSHA AWARDS Nomination Form
Do you know someone who has performed valuable services for CSHA or our clients?

Awards for Honors of the Association and Distinguished Service are awarded each year at CSHA's Spring Conferences

Please submit a name, along with a brief reason for the nomination, below.

Please email Anne Bartelmo Burke (annebartelmo@gmail.com) with any additional questions.

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Name of individual completing this form: *
Honors of the Association
Recognizes an individual or organization that has made unique and extensive contributions to the welfare of people with communicative disorders and their families in the State of Connecticut.
Name of nominee:
Please provide a brief description on why this individual is deserving of this award:
Distinguished Service Award
Recognizes contributions of a member of CSHA to the Association and its purposes and activities. The contribution may be a single effort of outstanding quality or continued service in a variety of activities which enhance the goals and purposes of the Association.
Name of nominee:
Please provide a brief description on why this individual is deserving of this award:
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