Help TechCrunch find the best startup lawyers
Please tell us about a great lawyer you've worked with, in the brief survey below. We would especially like to hear about your experiences with them in the early stages of building your company.

All answers anonymized unless you tell us otherwise.

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1. Attorney name, physical location and relationship to you:
2. How strongly would you recommend this person to a friend?
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3. Approximately how many hours have you worked with this person?
Check one
1-20 hours
20-50 hours
50-250 hours
250+ hours
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4. What areas of legal expertise did they demonstrate?
A lot
Workplace issues/HR (compensation, immigration, etc)
Business contracts (SLAs, MSAs, etc)
Company formation and finances (cap table structures and financing methods)
Intellectual property including trademarks and patents
Government and regulatory
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5. Tell us in more detail about their greatest contributions to you and your company? Please share examples:
6. Your name, physical location, job title and company (including links if desired):
7. Your email (optional):
Thanks, and a couple more things:
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